

There were days in my life
i just sat and wondererd
how my life would have been
if i'd never found her
my life without her would be a like a year without summer
i don't think i would live another day in this cold place with out her.
damn it baby
i love u
i miss u
i really do
just the thoguht of spending lonely cold days in jail
makes my body shiver also makes the same effect to my soul
am im sorry baby girl
for leaving you all alone
i promise you that one day i'll be home
there with you
no more phone vists with a glass between us
no more 5 minute calls just to let know how i'm really feeling
no more coming to my court dates seeing me in chains
no more waking up every morning waiting for your mail
ththat was the only things that kept me out my cell.
things weren't the same
if it wasn't for you baby girl
i'd be going insane
my negative thoughts
would be slamming against my brain
just by me calling you my lady made my days ok
just me knowing that your were there every step of the way
made me happy but am sorry for bringing you to this nasty palce
its not fame it's what we all call shame
these words arn't the same
i love you baby girl
youre my only saint in this evil place.