

The Dark Passenger - Prologue
I know what everyone thinks about me: honest, intelligent, a good person, and a man without fear. I may be a successful businessman who has earned a reputation for being a good guy, but let me tell you, appearances can be deceiving. My childhood was not an easy one, and my father was a major influence on the person I am today.

My father was a man of principles, living his life by a strict moral code. He believed that being honest and kind was the only way to live. However, those very principles led to his downfall. He was nice to everyone, and they took advantage of him. By the time I was seven, he was broke. My mother left him, and he led a pitiful life, burdened with guilt for not providing me with the things a parent should.

When I was nine, my father died. On his deathbed, he told me, "Son, everyone's afraid of something. But never let them see your fears. I don't want you to be a good person; you have to learn how to act like one. The world doesn't believe in a genuinely good guy, but it respects the guy who acts the part. I don't want you to be a failure like me." It didn't take much time to know why my father said those things. I took his words to heart and began living my life by them. I buried the boy who believed in honesty and kindness, replacing him with someone who knew how to play the game, how to wear the mask of a good man while keeping the darkness hidden.

After my father passed, my uncle became my guardian. He took me into his home, but I wasn't thrilled about it, mainly because of my aunt. Ever since my mother left us, I had developed a dislike for women, and my aunt was no exception. The feeling was mutual; she didn't like me much either. Despite this, she treated me like her own son, providing for all my needs. Strangely, I still couldn't bring myself to like her.

Since my teenage years, strange thoughts have been hanging around in my head, pushing me towards actions that most people wouldn't even think about. Trust me, you don't want to know the details. Even for the smallest problems, my mind comes up with unusual solutions. There are moments when I feel like I should go through with them. But my fears and my father's words make me suppress many of these extreme thoughts. It's a constant struggle to keep them in check, all hidden behind a normal exterior. My father's advice keeps me from letting these darker thoughts out.

Then, everything changed when I fell in love. It was unexpected, a feeling that softened the edges of my hardened heart. Surprisingly, my feelings towards my aunt and other women transformed. As I grew older, I excelled in school and college, finding success in my business. I always attributed my achievements to my father's wise words. While my success might not have been entirely honest, I managed to convince everyone to like me and believe that I followed ethical practices. However, with success came the pressure to maintain my image, leading to a resurgence of my fears.

Strangely, there was only one person who didn't like me – my girlfriend's father. I tried everything to win him over, but my efforts fell flat. His disapproval cost me her love. Following the typical pattern, she heeded her father's counsel. I opted not to push the issue further. You might label me as a coward, yet I honor her connection with her father, drawing from the lessons of my parents' relationship. Despite my effort to move forward, she remained a persistent presence in my thoughts. It was then that the strange ideas returned, suggesting things that felt a bit too out of the ordinary.

Life doesn't go the way we think. I realized this when I saw what happens if I act on my strange thoughts. It all began six years ago after my uncle passed away.

© The Usual Guy