

memories shattered.. why 2020...
2019: UK blackpool

We were all excited for 2020... Everyone was cheering and getting ready for the big new years event. Games were preparing their new years eve events and kids were making their new years eve pictures. Nice Christmas dinner on the table... And kids excited. But they didn't know what was coming for them... The word "happy new years, everyone!" Was said before dìsåstēr struck... "HELP MY DAUGHTER!" cried a woman when her daughter had an unknown virus... The doctors then named it... Cørønå VÌRŪS... Unfortunate events happened... 2020 full of "good" surprises. Let's list the things that happened...
•kobe and his daughter crashed
•a "blackhole" was found but it wasn't a normal one
•cicadas are emerging from the ground after 15 years of sleep
•the black plaque... But they have a cure for it
•these meteores almost hit new York. Just one more inch and they would have DÌÊD

I can't name anymore. So much happened. Please, pray more and help us get a happier ending to 2020. A few more months in 2020 and the madness will end. Please, stay safe. Be aware. Be cautious and pray to god and help us not live in fear but lift our bad luck. This isn't the most worst year because in 1929 there was a stockmarket crash and many people got injured.

But it isn't the worst year... YĒT
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