

whisper- whisper the tall grass Part. I
There was a strange silence on a rementive sound of a whispering wind that flether around as Mr. Maddy who is a well reknown playwright he was trying to come up some new ideas for his next play.
And so he bought this old farm
house off celebrity lane in northern New York State side. And it was a old diary farm. The farm house was a with its wooden timber frame breaking in some parts from the restrants. That use to confine it the house is losing its red coloring coat of paint. As it starts to look opselete, bleak, disorey, morbid, crickly and old rotten sporting timbers. And there inside he sits at his computer trying to come up with something to put down. But couldn't and then few hours in and so he hears a sound in the barn.
And then hthere came a knock upon his
door and he went to answer and there appearing before him was medium height about the same as he was
with white fair skin tone that attaches
to his features of his bones. To give him snake like appearance and he stood before Mr. Maddy, and he looked into his eyes. And he wore black like he was going to a funeral, and he sinters his teeth and grinds them.

"Hi can I help you?" "Yes you may now about this plays last page" "I'm sorry can tell me who are you?"
"My apologies my name is Mr. Sheer I am from the town Melen Alabama and I come tell you something about this play that you wrote is no good."

As he sees it in the man's hand and he looks at it must've been the about the modern romance between two gay men who are both religious. And so he stands there before the strange man who.was standing in front of him, and he bites his bottom lip. And he thought this could be a rib or some type of a joke a man suddenly appears in front of him at his front door and talks about something seems to be crazy. And he stood there waiting for Mr. Maddy to say something.

"That play in your hand must be the one about two gay guys who are on the run from the Catholic church and they go on a crime spree."
"I don't personally care what the play is about and let's say it's true about two fags who are having personal issues. I am here to talk to you about the last page in this play I have here in my hand" "and what play is that?"

And the man slams the play script onto Mr. Maddy chest and he takes a look at it, and it was one of early works of his experimental of his psychological play that even won a Tony for the play. And he looks at the plays title 'Whisper-whisper the tall grass.' And he forgot how the play ended, and he reads the first page that stands to reason.

"This play I take it has a really bad ending to it."
"Look can you write it over and fix the ending or can't you?" "Look mister this play has been written already I can't do anything about it the ending is the ending that's all there okay so I can't fix it?" -"So I would mind if you get out of here."

And the man nods as he understands and stops mid way and takes a look at Mr. Maddy and turns away and heads somewhere off in the distance. And Mr. Maddy closes the door behind him and he was curious about what the man was saying about the last page.

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