

Is love worth it?

© Chrisnjeri158
On the nursing pathway hall was the first day I saw him.He must be in the nursing faculty too,I thought.I tripped and fell on the staircase and actually broke my ankle just looking at him pass by.Damn! Who gets into a stupid accident on the first day of orientation.All because of a stupid cru....
"Ouch!! Oh Lord why now?" This was embarrassing.I got up fast and went on beast mode.I faked walking but the pain was excruciating."Now where has that hunk gone?"
"Really Trina,you're thinking about some guy after you just heard a crack on your ankle"
"No am not,wait, who's that talking?" I looked around and no one was in plain sight.They must have gotten to the hall already while I was busy conversing with myself.
Hurrying to secure a seat,my eyes were still searching.With this many students,how will I find him?Hold on..waaaaaaait,what am I supposed to do or say when I see him
"Hey am Trina,and ikindahaveacrushonyou" No that won't do,he will laugh in my face.Let's just focus on school now"
The day ended pretty much smoothly.I made two friends,Dorcas and Maureen.They offered to drag me to the school nurse if only I could fill in the juicy details on my crush.Wondering why I told them that,well...why not? Did I mention about them dragging me there,yeah they kept their word on that.
I thought college would be hard to begin with but the occurrences of the past eight hours thirty minutes and five seconds,it has proved to be new era for me.
Joining the best nursing college in the country was a dream come true for me.God and I know how many nights we have talked while on my knees about being here.My parents on the other hand however ,were fear-stricken when they saw my admission letter.They were happy for me but being in the same class with boys,definitely not ready for that.I had given them no reason to be concerned though.I was an angel for goodness sake!
Where were we again? Yeah am on the school nurse's couch listening to this two girls ramble.Its been an hour now,I bet my ears are bleeding.I smiled.I would not change this two crazies for anything in the world.
The only common thing between us was our liking to food.Maureen's favorite was the by far the best 'anything edible'.
Day four in the campus and we were commencing class today.The timetable read 'Anatomy' ,another Anatomy and ano...ther ANATOMY AGAIN?!? The whole class looked towards the door where I was leaning.Did I say it that loud??
"Yes girl,you've already earned your nickname 'loudmouth' on your first day in class"Dorcas laughed.I took my place beside her on the bench after the lecture began
Let's do this!
"Is this lec speaking in tongues or what,am not even sure of the spellings to write down"this was Maureen complaining as she yawned for the twelveth time.Call me petty for counting,am just keen on everything going on in this class.
"I'll give you my notes after class ,just go slow on the yawning,we are only thirty minutes into the lesson"I told her
"Hahaha,so funny"she sarcastically replied.
"You two behind there,could you stand and tell the class that which is more important than my lesson"the lecturer said.If I was to count my embarrassing moments for the past 4 days I have been here,I would probably fill my anatomy notebook.
The murmuring,the stares,and snears geez.I stood up slowly ,my face facing down with shame,
"Come on,we are waiting"said the lecturer.Looking up slowly,my knees went limp.There he was! My dream guy.Wait,that was too fast,right? I mean the guy I have been looking for since orientation was in my class!
My eyes just zoomed in and I could see no one else in class.His eyes..ooh now am getting goosebumps,his hair,that perfect nose,the smile.Uuumh,he's actually laughing..is he laughing at me?
"Turn to the next page,you will find the diagram of the human cell"the lecturer said.
I am sure this lecturer already thought am possessed since I was still standing.And my crush..now he's smiling.His neck must be hurting a lot by the number of glances he keeps throwing me.Poor thing!
"Just switch places with the guy,you two are annoyingly cute its hurting my eyes" Dorcas rolled her eyes saying."and take this lip gloss,finish him with a proper smile" now winking.
The first break was up and the next session would begin with a brief intro of ourselves.This is going to be interesting.Not that I did not want to listen to my new classmates introducing themselves,but why were they taking so long.
"Hello guys,my name is Keith Ndinda.My hometown is Nakuru and so excited to be here" my crush finally said."Ooh and am single and not searching"
Never have I felt so much pain in my chest.Did he just say he's not searching?Who adds that to an intro seriously? Its not that I like him that much to feel hurt.Who am I lying to?
I had already named our future baby boy 'Keith junior' and our ship name would be Keitrina (wink)
The eyes coming my way was my cue to stand and introduce myself.
Five o clock in the evening and class was over.Day one,tick,4 more years to go
Keith was still on his seat,chatting with his friends.He was already quite popular with the girls.They were onto him like ants on a piece of chocolate .One petite girl was busy making his already-made collar.
If looks could kill,she would be long gone.She had even pulled her dress higher up to attract his attention.Uuugh!!
"Dorcas wait up for me" I said running towards the door.I needed to get the assignment from her since my brain has been occupied by a certain someone.
"Hey guys,slow down..you guys are walking fast"Maureen sighed heavily catching up with us.This girl made walking look so hard yet she was so slender.Talk about being fit.
"Want some juicy gossip anyone?"
"Em? Just say it,don't keep us waiting"Dee said impatiently.
"You see those guys near the bench,hey! don't look yet.I heard they are in the nursing student board and if we want any help with anything around the school,we should ask them" M said cheerfully.Abit too cheerful if you may ask.
It was our turn to check out this school heads.Four guys were at the farthest corner bench.They were cute I will give them the credit.Mmmh,really cleaned up too.The tall one though was standing and his leg stepping on the bench with his muddy shoes.Two points out for him.
"I definitely want something from them" Dee said biting her lip.Eeeew!!
"I think Em meant being helped with school work.You need to splash some cold water on your cheeks,they are turning red"I said to her.