

There lives a little girl with heart filled with innocence and her grandma's fables. Whenever it rains, she open her arms like wings preparing to soar high and embraces nature while each drop mingles with her body.
She keeps her eyes closed, allowing her to enter the mystical world of nature. She's bewitched by the picturesque view which her eyes are trying to capture.
“A bunch of raindrops is playing rock music while the rest are dancing. Some tiny drops are sleeping comfortably over leaves while others are encouraging the peacocks to do shimmy. The cold winds are making the atmosphere serene, butterflies dusting pollen like the fairies sprinkling pixie dust.
It was getting dark and the little angels had to go for bedtime story to the almighty sun. He hugged each one of them and narrated the story, as the raindrops slept in their Cradle of mother earth, a rainbow was formed on seeing them sleep peacefully.”
When the girl opened her eyes, Mr. rainbow winked at her and whispered that it's time to go home. The innocent girl nodded,went home and told her grandma of what she saw. Her grandma was ecstatic to see that the nature has gifted her a distinct prospect.
#storyoftheday #story #writco #rain #innocent #beautiful #world #nature #weather #rainyseason #love #sun #celestialbodies @Writco
© Calliope_Writes68