

The Righteous Tracks
Never think that you are better than somebody, never judge a book by it’s cover, and never show hatred to others. Always be kind to others, always be be mindful how you treat others, always respect others as you respect yourself, be good hearted, be a blessing and not a curse. Being a show off can lead to carelessness, always help one another, stick together, always be polite, and be thoughtful towards others. Take the righteous tracks that will lead you on a righteous path keep your head up higher and don’t let negativity get in your way. Always be positive even towards others and yourself if you live a positive life to will become positive and if you live a negative life then you will become negative. Show honesty towards others, and always make others happy never lie to yourself or others, keep on lifting each other up, encouraging others, and always stay on the tracks that leads to righteousness. Share with others, and always be kind towards others life can be full of ups and downs but remember smile rather there be rain or sunshine everybody’s life is important we all have things to do in our lives. Take the tracks that leads to righteousness and you will be alright keep your head forward and don’t look back at the negative stay positive you will be positive don’t be negative or you will be negative never show fear only show love never fear love, fear is a deadly thing, never have a fear spirit a fear spirit is what hurts a person always have a love spirit a love spirit is what brings joy and peace.
© All Rights Reserved Sir Calvin Nance