

$ecret $ociety
One day while walking through a jungle a boy saw a river .He went to the river so that he could catch fish . so sitting a while , something get caught by him . He got a box. The box was highly secured that he could opened it . That box looked so old very mysterious. So he took the box with him to his home.
At night while sleeping the boy , he found something clue in his dream to open that box. He saw at dream a secret button on that box . So he immediately get that box and success fully opened that box. Opening that he found a unique key . He thought that this key is may be for opening a door . But the question was which kind of door ? After thinking about of time he found something after the box . seeing that information g
he at midnight went to the river side from where he get that box . He saw something lighting in the river. Then he decided to go there and there he found a door but that was locked then he tried with that unique key to open that door the door then exactly opened . Then he saw a beautiful society under that river .He saw vehicles are flying and buildings are so magistic.Moreover people over there can make anything by using magic .The boy getting so excited to see that . He understood that this is magical secret society.Then some of the magical fairies came forward to welcome him. The fairies took him to the palace named "The Secret Palace"
That palace was made by gold and the society was full of tricks and magics.
Over there people don't cook to eat they use their magic to make foods and basic needs .when he reached to the king of that society he became surprised.Because the king was asked him to be the next king of this society. He boy asked that king why you want me to be the king ? and also asked him what is the special thing you saw in me ? and added that I am just a 14 years old boy .How you think that I can lead your society? The honorable king smilingly told him that he (the king) sent that great box to the world to find out the next king.
Then the boy asked the king how that box will decide that am I good or bad person ?The boy again trickily told that king that iam not good person to lead your society. your box made a mistake to take me here.Then the king smiled and told him no dear no you can be wrong but that magical box will never make mistake to know the real king. Today you are here for the leading of this society because you had chosen by that box . The boy understand the logic behind all of these matters.So the next day he decided to be the king.And the old king get disappeared magical ly .Then that boy king with is great sense and rule he lead his society for 14 years .Then one-day he fall in love after seeing a beautiful magical fairy.He started dating with that fairy and became love each other and one-day they married.The whole society looked great on that day.After few years he got beautiful babies and
long live with those happily .

The boy woke up and suddenly discovered that he had never been to secret society.He was in dream . But he was so happy to see that kind of dream .

So…," some dreams cant be explained untill we don't see that dream again."_$@$