

Don't judge
"I can't give to the poor and snap!. I better not give!. It is very bad to show up when you help someone."

It's good not to show up!. It's you decision and we respect it.

I #BloggerTMA what I think about all this is that "#ABOVE_ALL_IT_IS_BETTER_TO_GIVE_WHETHER_YOU_SNAP_OR_NOT". I think, by doing so you might help one or two lifes. WC IS OUR MAIN FOCUS.

If you don't like snapping when giving, it is very great. Good decision.

But don't make those who love snapping to feel bad and stop giving.

Because after all only #God has the final say in all these stuff. Not you human. No one knows what is in another person's #heart.

Let's not forget that we are in a numerical world 🌎 and technology 📱 is advancing every day.

One might snap and post not because he/she wants to mock or needs approval from the public but just because he/she wants to remember always.

We all give out for different reasons.

Don't think you are better than someone else.

Just do you own part as you love it and have your self confidence, no one should make you feel bad.

ANY WAY ITS MY POINT OF VIEW. I am happy to share it with you people. I hope it will help one or two people. 👫

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