

People suck🖕🏼Aliens are better(JJBA)
It's about PISS and ToyoMiki rare-pair. That's your fucking warning.

Also, I'm sorry about any cannon inconsistancies, I'm way too tired to look into them right now. Anyways, Toyohiro and Mikitaka are cool, so fuck the world.

Toyohiro was beyond stressed. A crowd of curious people had formed around his tower as if he was some sort of freak or art exhibit. Normaly, he wouldn't care too much amd just ignore them, but he was having one of those days. He was hightly irritable, and just wanted to be left alone. Eventually, the crowd struck a nerve with him, and he told them to leave, although a bit rudely, telling them to "fuck off." because he was tired and wanted to rest. Nobody listened to him. Some even laughed. Enraged, he tried to scare the people off by yelling and throwing things at them, but it only seemed to amuse them further. The frustrating part was that, unlike stand users, he couldn't attack them. Eventually, he gave up and decided to fake sleep, hoping they'd go away.

Time passed and people have come and gone, but still a crowd. Now Toyohiro was nervous. He hated to admit it to himself, but he really had to pee, and with all these people around, if he were to just whip it out and go, he could get into some serious trouble, nevermind someone seeing his dick...He shook his head at the thought and continued to silently pray they would leave. Oddly enough, all the eyes on him made his bladder ache with need. The fact that he was unable to relieve himelf was making his need more powerful.

Toyohiro growled to himself as the weight in his lower abdomen increased. He was filling. His tiny muscles fought against the liquid pressure as the urine urged itself to be let out. He sat still, unable to do anything else but grip the tower and tremble. Eventually, his bladder was swollen, and the fullness was visible through his clothing.

Toyohiro groaned and crossed his legs. It was getting hard to hold...and it kind of hurt now. People had begun taking pictures, so there was definitely no way he could just go now! There were children here! Plus, people were were taking pictures! He would never live it down if a photo of him shamelessly urinating in public got circulated. He felt tears welling up in his eyes and he bit his lip to keep from crying. Why couldn't they just leave him alone? He was greatful that they couldn't hear his desperate whimpers and sniffles. Desperation catching up to him, he threw his hands between his legs to help hold it in.

The crowd was starting to catch on to his need now, with some people feeling bad and leaving while others began recording or making fun of him. Ugh. This was why he hated people so much. Toyohiro shouted curses at them and felt himself beginning to cry. He couldn't help it. This really sucked. It seemed there was only one way out, and that was even worse. He gulped and pulled his knees up to his chest, burrying his face in them. This was it. He wasn't wable to hold it much longer.

Toyohiro begun to shake violently. His bladder was huge and strained inside him, and the muscles holding the weight of the fluid were ready to give out. Squeezing his eyes shut, he braced himself for the inevitable, and sure enough, after a desperate yelp, piss bursted from him with an urgent force he was unable to stop. He felt his bladder shrinking and let out quiet moans of relief. Letting it out felt so good. His clothes soaked, and the urine began raining down on the crowd, which had erupted with chatter and other commition that Toyohiro was too distressed to distinguish. He began sobbing into his knees.

Suddely, the crowd began to leave, and looking up, Toyohiro noticed a police officer shooing them all away from the area. As reliving as this was, he was scared as well. Was he going to be in trouble? Once the crowd was gone, he saw something weird happen. The officers whole body seemed to change. That's when it hit him. This was the alien boy he'd met a while back. It was Mikitaka!

The pale boy approached him cautiously and he ducked his face back between his knees, hiding his embarrassed face.

"It is alright... It was nothing you could help. You did no wrong." the alien spoke softly, "Please, do not feel ashamed," Toyohiro sniffled. When he felt a hand rest on his shoulder, he lost it. He broke down in humiliated sobs and latched onto him, burrying his face into his chest. Mikitaka held just him and let him cry as much as he needed.