

True meaning of love

A love is a type of feeling that comes from deep inside the body and the brain has no control over it. Did you know why? Because love is done with the heart only. Love never dies because love is between the souls not bodies.
Sometimes we lost our special ones and we feel very sad. It takes some time to get over it, but after some time we start to live like before very slowly. We get strength to live our life. The question is from where does this strength come?
A body can die and can be destroyed because it is made up of mass. But a soul is a form of energy that can neither die nor be destroyed. As i told you that love is between the souls not bodies and that soul of our loved ones watches us from somewhere from a different dimension that gives us strength to live.
From this we can also conclude that long distance relationships can not only work but can also set an example of pure love. But these days the relationships are taken like jokes. One of the person in any relation is not serious and just doing time pass these days. The reason is that people generally trust easily on random people and this breaks their heart. But its for their own good. Because they get the lesson “not to trust easily on someone.”