

Beauty and the Beasts
His somber gaze fell on her walking in an orchard on a monday,
He picked her sweet juicy fruit right there without foreplay,
His own bitter juice again and again filled her desire...
Mix together it tasted sweet and sour.

It's violent and obscene and she begged for mercy,
Yet as soon as he appeard her apple became juicy.
The first week was blissful, every night he came back...
Until the sixth day when he showed up with his pack.

They ravished her all as one on a popular live stream,
The followers called her eggplant, peaches and cream.
Her sweetness disappeared, drowned in an ocean of shame...
A million hearts later it could never be the same.

Monday came back but he didn't so she fell appart,
Her apple cried knowing he broke her heart
She lost her job and in the street someone called her a slut,
The fourth day he came back and so did her lust.

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