

gustave: man-eating
Chris staying in a Rosalie hotel resort, Later in the day chris walks to shore of rosalie bay beach. Chris hears water splashing behind him he seeing the man-eating gustave. Chris has white swim t-shirt he sprays extra extra sunscreen on him. Chris walks back to gustave then, he walks in the water. Chris walks further and further in the water and he stops. Chris said come here sweetie come here. Gustave besides chris he rubs his head on my leg, Chris asks hey buddy do you to fight with me? he makes noise he means yes (chris has blue goggles). Chris making a low loud noise he opens my mouth, gustave understand that sound means he opens his jaws wide. Chris grabs both arms of gustave. Chris makes hissing,roars,growls, Gustave understands to fight now aggressively. He tried to throws chris off his back both are aggressively splashing about.