

Within the space of romantic time, there we are. A sparkle in the sky. Two stars opening their eyes. Creating a delightful night. Satisfying the moon beams, placed delicately inside our dreams. The night will always be the prototype of what our love can actually be. Time alone, every second is accounted for. Receiving more than we need, however, we can't get enough, wishing for so much more. Of the textures left from touches. Energy between one another. Infusing our bodies and mind, satisfaction pulsating inside. Mimicking a bud attached to a red rose. Spreading its petals momentarily exposed. Seen by curious eyes, they can not turn away. Nothing more to say. Waiting to care. Willing to share. Remembering the rules. Beautiful thoughts have chosen you. Among a sea of amazing whispers. You're heard over everyone else. No one comes close. You are the ember that float's warming my soul. The practice never gets old. There's something divine, about her glow and shine. Transcending. Time.
© Daniel Mason