

If your eyes is single like the Dove, you give God who is The Father of light 🕯️ to illuminate your path and ways, darkness and the works of darkness will never prevail over you . As it is written " the light 🕯️ shineth and darkness comprehend it not" perversion and unfocused purpose, divided focus abide continually in darkness. " If we walk in the light 🕯️ as God is in the light 🚨 we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanse us from all sin. scripture says they were both naked and were not ashamed, why, because they were both walking in the light...."
Jesus Christ was focused purposeful, and
set before Him the Glory, Honour, Name Above all other names, Crown of Glory, The first fruit 🍓, The restorer of God heritage, The Second adam, restorer of of of ruined of many generations the joy of the whole world.perfect example......on and on, Jesus Christ set all These before Himself continually (Hebrews 12),It will take light 🕯️ to continually see this in the place of shame, discouragement, pain, Nakedness etc...it will take light 🚨, illumination of the Holy Ghost 👻, . But the resources that the Holy Spirit will used to generate this light 🚨 is the word of Truth, we have internalize within us, the word that have become flesh in us .
However it a warfare to store the word, The Enemy of our soul will not allow us to open our hearts, but to conquer these wars, we must ready to die then the seed of Eternal life in us will rise, quickens by the Holy Ghost to generate power that will produce light, for in the natural, power produce light so also in the Spirit
© Oyebanji Oyekunle