

The orphan:9
When the phone started calling before she could answer it.It answered itself when she heard a mans voice speaking
Man:Well.....well you are now even scared of answering my calls eh!if you really want to end this please pay me back the money before tomorrow morning.Or else I will release another video
When the phone turned off
Ishan:(suprised)What is this and what does he mean by the video?
When she quickly headed towards the domitory in her room where by everybody was there including Raj who was her beside bedmet
Raj:Are you a member of this room?
Raj:What a coincidence
When Ishmael removed his shirt she closed her eyes
Raj:Anything wrong?
Ishan:No it's nothing it's just I.....
When she noticed him removing his trouser she quickly ren outside
Ishan:(exhales deeply)That was close.But why removing cloths in front of everyone?Okay now Ishan we have to go back inside or else.....
Roshini:Hey!Are you okay?
Ishan:(holding her chest)Oh!you scared me.Yeap I am okay
When Roshini left
Ishan:It's really hard boys everywhere
When she headed back into the room
Raj:We are going for gaming.Are you coming?
When they were there Raj went to the barbell
Raj:Won't you come and lift some?
Ishan:No sorry I prefer the tread mill
Raj:Fine go on ahead
When she went there stood on the machine turned it on and began running.As they were done she went to take a shower kept on a white trouser,white T-shirt and a black coat .She had her dinner then went in class.It was around 8:00pm it was bed time but she remained in class when she noticed someone who looked like a girl putting on a jeans,cowboy boots and a white hood sweater sneaking outside the school compound.She boarded a black car Ishan took a taxi
Ishan;(pointing at the black car)After that car please
When the car arrived at a certain place it was a big house the taxi stopped outside
Ishan:(paying the fare)Thank you
When she jumped over the wall and entered the house for there were guards at the gate.She quickly sneaked into the sitting room when she hid herself on one among the corners Vashti who was Melisas friend was sitting on the couch.When a certain guy who was a little older came holding a silver stick
Man:(touching her chin)You are finally here.I like your speed
Vashti:(pushing his hand aside)Please keep your promise
Man:Only if you do it well
Vashti:I will do it
When he gave her a mask of Melisas face and she kept it on.
It was the next early morning as Ishan was in class their French teacher Diego was busy teaching when Melisa entered
Melisa:Morning sir
Diego:Late in class as normal and still didn't comb your hair.I am done teaching you should come to see me in my office(leaving)
When Melisa quickly went on her bench
When she threw herself on the desk.When the break bell rang
Melisa:(staying her foot)Oh!no no no not again(standing to leave)
Ishan:Excuse me
Melisa:(turning around)Go on tell me
Ishan:(taking out her phone)You dropped it yesterday at the garden place
Melisa:What did you see?
Ishan:Nothing I really saw nothing
Melisa:(breathes heavily)Oh!Thank goodness
As she was leaving as she wanted to open the door
Melisa:(to herself)Oh!I almost forgot(calling)Hey!
When Ishan faced her
Melisa:(smillingly)Thank you