

hidden in plain sight (testing)
today feels strange even seems like a trap everywhere or maybe there's a strike woke up late 7am with an open door no guards nothing at all at first it screamed freedom to me then again it might be a test so I've been waiting for anything to happen but nothing not even a stare from my neighbours now my patience running out
putting on my usual attire casual with a hood getting Sim courage I make my way to the front door down the stairs taking a left and of course the stares and the silent whispers are back
I know am being followed by tinted hilax I could run but it feels so familiar and of course it pack's right in front of me I halt my steps when the back door opens and someone steps out his quite tall Hazel eye's brown hair am supposed to know him looking at him I only feel two emotions love and hatred even as he stops in front of me smiling and looking straight at my soul
hello Sue I guess you finally decided to Master up some courage and step out the house I've been waiting for you thought I had to come get you myself but here you're
who are you have we met
am Christian Reese we know each other well enough
why are you following me
am here to take you home my Sue
not wanting to argue with him it just feels like a bad idea I make my way to his car ignoring the laughter am hearing from Christian
driving to his house which looks like an exotic Paradise island you would Wonder how no one has spotted i can literally hide here for a century and never get caught surprisingly I know this house like the back of my hand even the 15hidding spots
getting off the car I head to the front door letting myself in I don't even know why I knew the password am now in my bedroom funny I said that but it feels right
now that am now in this room I see pictures of Charlie and Christian at the last picknik we had at the back door at the sound of the bedroom door I turn my attention to Reese I walk straight at him I know exactly where the gun is I now remember why I hate am going to kill him before I make my way to Reese his medical team blocks my way administering a shot on my neck am put on the bed I don't know what games his playing now but no matter how hard I try to stay awake I can't fight it
I know it was too soon to bring her here but as usual Harry kept pushing me to make her remember
am sorry Reese I didn't know she'd react like this
I told you she'd remember if I wanted her to you're Lucky you're her last remaining relative next time please try pushing your luck
giving someone a second chance feels so wrong stepping out of the room and away from everyone I make my way to the only place I know will help me Dexter's
once am seen at the door the door bouncer calls Dexter when Dexter See's me he knows what I want and knows better than to ask me giving me the his master card I make my way to his underground club seeing these drug dealer's having fun with the ladies excites me taking out my gun getting one of these junkies as my shield I light up the place taking out my daggers I put them to work clearing out this place
making my exit from the club I make a run for it to revive my strength am now come back to the steets attacking these lazy officer's supplying cheap drugs after am done with that am back home since my mind's clear Sue should also be fine since Charlie sleeping I join Sue on our bed by tomorrow everyone will be happy everything forgotten