

Mournful Nucleus - part 4
When levio opened his eyes, He was in His CBR(future home ). And there was Segin nearby . Segin asked : What About You. Nothing. Levio replied . Then i will wait outside. You just take Some rest. Segin said.. Suddenly Levio Grabbed segin's hand. What. segin Asked.I need to tell you something. First you need to turn off your Phonemic. They both turned their Phonemics off. Levio started talking : Hey segin. Do you think we are just Like The old ones in the whole earth. Or What we are just some sort of Projects Or something . No . Segin Replied. Levio Continued. I had a Vision a visual on my Mind. when i Had that blackout. I dont Know what To call it. I think i saw Myself on past. What !. Segin asked With some sort of Shocked and funny Mind. Hey am Serious i saw me as Doing something And i do know some Things i learned And done that time. I Think humans Have some feelings the Past named it Emotions. And i saw Something Named sex on a screen like Our xerd Tab. Oh really. segin asked. Yes. He Replied. I will make sure to Remember All and tell you if there is a Next time. And sex that's something We does to Have fun and to make a Future i think From my blackout. Oh What is this Thing anyway : Its joining Two bodies And doing some things Nude. And What is love : Segin asked. Its trusting Someone with heart and Liking each Other a boy and a girl.

Suddenly the whole phonemic vibrated And made a noise of announcement. It Was Doctor


Wait for the next part ♥️🖤

© shefeek zain