

A Night Of A Hellish Ride
Riley rides her black sports bike everyday to school at high school three blocks away from home. Everyone finds her cool and she knows the reputation she's gaining everyday. She's never been late to school, well, perks of having the ice cool gutz flaunting her beautiful ride everyday. She's nice and cool to everyone but no one ever gets her way.
"Hey! May I join you?" Nathan asks her at the cafeteria at lunch, her annoyingly gorgeous friend. "Well, no name's in it. Why not take it?" She said lazily. Her ever stylish girl friend, Kush, her nerdy cutie friend, Lii, and her racer friend, Vyn, joined them. Her four friends seated with her. They eat lunch together. "Rye needs a crew tonight. You might wanna get in?" Vyn asks her again. Rye is the owner of the crew he's in and he always aks her to join them. "Y'know, racing at the platform is way different and dangerous than racing with the highway cars everyday." She said. "Well, just in case you change your mind-", she cuts in "-a girl as hot as you is always wanted on the list. Yeah, I know that all the time you tells me and I could forget it each time. Thanks for reminding me." She said annoyingly. Vyn grins at her.
After lunch, they all went back to class and finish the whole day of school classes.
On her way home, a guy in the black hood get on her way. She pull over stepping and hitting the breaks hard causing screeching sounds on tires. The guy moved to her side and grab her. She kicks the man on the face and it stumbles back. She steps on her gas and speed up. Ahead of her way, seven hooded figures are blocking her. She steps on her gas and aim for the one at the center. As she gets near the gang, they moved out of the way, but they chased her. Bikes with the zooming sounds are following her. She get on the bridge and they're still following her. "What could they possibly want? I'm on the highway and they're still chasing. Something's off." She said to herself. Traffic is getting heavy. She side-swerve to every car on the street. She maintains the distance on the chase and she lost them as the traffic goes a little heavy.
She got home safely. She enter the house quietly thinking about what happened. As she takes off her helmet, she sits down on the couch and feel the house if something's off. "Hey, honey! Good evening. I wonder what made my girl late to get home?" Her dad said. She shrugs. "Well, some hooded dudes chased me until to the bridge of the metro city. I wonder what could they be possibly want from me." She said. "What? What happened? Are you okay?" Her dad asks worriedly. "Yeah. I'm fine. I'll just report it tomorrow." She said. "Okay. I'll go with you." Her dad said. "What? No! I'm fine! It's okay, dad. I'll ask you if I need you. Don't worry. I can take care of this." She said. Her dad nods.
The next morning, Riley reported the incident before going to school. She found out that those guys were outlaw. She knew they needed to be jailed. "Don't worry, Ms. Belszch. We'll call you if we got them in the cell." The officer said. "Thank you." She said.
At school, "Well well well. Hello, princess. Maybe your beautiful ride busts us last night but you cannot run from us now." The outlaw dudes are in front of her wearing a uniform of some unknown school. They cornered her at the parking. You're friend, Vyn owe us some money at the race. I ask him his famous princess to beat me in return but he couldn't give you to me. Just a night of a hellish race with you princess will be settled it all." The dude said. "Hey!" Vyn and Nathan run to her. The guy smirks at Vyn. "I'm telling your princess what you owe me." The dude said. "Back off Z! She's not yours to take. I owe you money not her! You don't even match-" Riley cuts in, "-I'll do it." She said. "What?" Vyn exclaims. "In three conditions. You lose you all go to jail for being an outlaw and you win we'll pay you money. You break it, I'll break your neck." She said firmly and walk out. Tonight at the Country Streets." She said not turning her back.
At the meeting place, the two bikes at starting spot are raging. "Riley, you don't have to do this! You don't know how I lost at him! He's a cheater!" Riley can hear Vyn's voice under her helmet like a sound inside the air tight glass. "1, 2, 3" BANG! As the signal pistol shoots, the two steps on theor gas and flashes away. Broom Broom Broom. The two bikers are neck to neck. Z gives Riley a kick at her side. She swerves. The guy moved ahead. "So this is what he's saying how he lost at you." She thought. She chases after him and give Z a clean kick jab at his back. When Z lean back to the impact of her kick, she kicks her throat. The guy, coughs and slows down choking. She slows down and give one last kick at his head. Z barely breath due to still choking. Riley speeds up and get to the finish line twenty minutes ahead of Z.
"So, why exactly do you want this princess to be your match? As we agreed, you'll go to jail for chasing me last night and also for cheating on the race just to win and get what you want." She said typing on her phone and sending a file through the net. "Mr. Walls, I've sent the evidence to you already." She said watching the other officers cuffing the hooded dudes that chased her last night. "Thank you, Ms. Belszch." The officer said cuffing the hooded dudes that chased her last night.
"How did that happened?" Nathan asks. I really don't have the intention of racing but I wanted more proof of motivation. He could point everything at you since you were the first one to race with him as he says." She said. "What?" Vyn exclaims. "Everything that she says to you was recorded. Don't worry 'bout it." She said .
The three of them stepped on their gas and head home.
© Rise Kingdom