


There was a village where people following one religion it was Islam and Other group was of Hinduism Brahmin by caste. Most of the people of two religions were conservative by thoughts they love to strictly follow the all principles of holliest Quran and Ved Puran. Everyone were happy there, amid this happiness a bloody incident happened, a riot came to being where a lot of childrens, old and womens slaughtered. All slaughtered people were running hither and thither. Why people searching social asylum? Is this life ?.life means what to tolerate all the troubles and attacks. Reason behind this horrible insident was so simple love between a brahmin boy and muslim girl. There is a saying love is blind it sees no caste, no religion, no creed and no colour that nature gifted both a sweet seed of love to grow within themselves for eradicating all the social issues of castesim, religionism, and regionalism. Raja and Kiran are more attractive, lovable and innocent love each other from their childhood.When they were in one tuison. They were scholar in their studies, they were ranking in Schools and colleges.They developed pure love within themselves irrespective their caste and religion still they had great fear towards their family. With the march of time their love deepen to core, selflessly they love each othe gave respects to their beliefsystems without concerning future consequences. One day what happened what they had fear before. When Raja got deep cut by an accident Kiran went to meet him in a name of college going. She stayed at medical whole day, some relatives of Raja doubted to her existence at hospital. Then Raja released from hospital he came to meet her at night, some religious vandalists marked his path then what to happen, suddenly crying voice came to each ears all reached to that particular noisy place, all came to know Raja and Kiran love each other, Raja is beaten by some people, kiran crying "leave him plz" "leave him" all raged to anger how could this girl bring black image to our religion, some vandalists also added the fuel to this burning issues. Boths parents were unable to accept two innocent love irrespective their religion without considering the concern of their community. As neighbours are prime enemy they played antagonistic role with Kiran and Raja family, this was thrilling and havoc making incidents for this humanity. Boths the parents somehow trying to be adjusted with the love of their children but it was too late, parents were bound to the norms and conditions of society. Then Raja and Kiran decided to run away anywhere to live peaceful life without any interference, distractions, and religious taboo only to lead human and simple life. Oneday at Friday night they escaped from societal cluches to lead new life. Somehow both family knew their secret decision.Though both were scholary students their decision could also give them peaceful life. They can search good livelyhood and Raja was also Brahmin he could earn money through his puja path. But nature wanted different from them at the deep mid night they left their home but as it is wellsaid sentence wall also have ears. Some vandalist pandits and muslim mullas planned not to cross them from their area then what was to be done. In front of Kiran they beaten Raja doggedly it was horrible moment for Kiran to see her love shaking in blood. what a moment my lord! they broke her lover from legs to neck then snached all precious things fro Kiran cut her hair cut her hand, broke her legs. This was the time for Raja to see the all happenings with her beloved one in his blure eyes. Both groups were mingled each other to clean this pure souls from Earth in name to save their cultural values of respective religions. When sun rises in the East, whole villagers came to the fronts of both parents. How could ur childrens escaped earning bad image for our culture. This shows your bad teachings to your children. Amid this tusle, many agressively raided to other community. It took turn to community riot. A toll of life gone in this riot. Raja's brother and Kiran brother also lose their life. Both poor family lost Everything. Till now I don't understand what's the real value of religion, if there is no humanity to follow by its people so we don't need to obey principles of any religion. Raja and Kiran's miserable deaths
remained secret within these vandalist groups, till now both parents expect their children are happy that's why they are not remembering them. Till now Both parents look each other without any single word to hear good news from any sides..😭😭😭their death remained in mystry.
© Rahenuma@khatun