

Dark web experience
It's been four years now since I moved here because of what happened.I used to be Sabrina falcon now I'm known as Annabelle Francis and live in Jamaica, this is my story on what happened.

My friends Sammy,Karen and John engaged me to download dark web and watch videos so I did so,A video caught my attention;it was this man in a black suit and black mask I could barely saw his face and he had tree girls half naked hanged up on chains while beating and torching them with weapons such as belt,Scold’s Bridle,he was even spraying water in their face and body then heTazer them on the thighs.What I was watching scared and terrify me a lot but I didn't stopped watching the live I continued until I could no longer tool it anymore so i left my laptop open and went to the police station to tell them everything,After that they went on the live to see if i was telling the truth or lied.The police men told me to stayed here and never leave i said ok,They left the station and went some where.They didnt told me where they were going and i didnt even asked.The officer came back with the guy eight hours after,They locked him up in a jail cell then told me that I'm going to leave the country and start all over again,They gave me money,passport with a fake name with other information.we left the station and before you knew it we were on our way to airport.I spend twenty minutes at the airport and almost a day in the plane then went I reached the Jamaica airport I saw a police man waiting for me he said he's my personal bodyguard or someone who's gonna protect me.Up to this day I still rememberd exactly everything and I'm still traumatized by it.
*please be noted that this is not a real story!
© Annastacia smith