

When will you realize the importance of slowing down your life? Even in the worst-case scenarios, there is something to be thankful for.You shouldn't just give up, Because you still have life. That guy could of kill you, But he just took off and run. There is a reason for this, I believe that there is purpose for your life and you have to live it, so get up and relight that spark regain a strength
of power, fire, and determination. you have aways been so power hungry, that it didn't click to you that your moving too fast, So fast that it was hard to slow down and that led you in deep waters. So deep that it looked as if you were drowning, and begging for help. You did not say it with your mouth, but your body language spoked everything.
I wish I could of done something to help you that day you started to change into someone else's but you were so ignorant that no one could have told you what to do, so I went down on my knees and pray for you, and I thank God that you are here with me today, so you can listen to what I have to say. Please don't go back to that life of drugs, heartache and pain because if you go back you could lose your life that will never be regin, so take this second chance to clean up your life. l will help you, you don't have to do it all alone, do it for your 6year old daughter Faith who misses you and barely even sees you because you were so busy working on your schemes. or That maybe you forgotten you had a daughter who needs you, more than a child needs food. So what will you do? would you do what I ask and stay to change? or would you go back to that place of no escape to your problems? yes! I would stay and I thank you, for without God and your prayers mon, I wouldn't be here today. I love you mon and I promise to do it for my daughter, you and me.
I love you too my
daughter and I thank God for answering my prayers.
© Possibilities