

Mister Virus chapter 28.
The annoyances continued to increase on the order of Mr. Virus... When my father came I had someone to talk about everything that was happening to me although he did not believe me in everything, my grandmother was also very happy. My father spent two beautiful months with me that I liked very much. I have found two students who wanted to rent the house with me and I have spoken with one girl and I had to choose after the other things in which, I regretted a lot.

The girl that I chose when she told me her story, it seemed to me that she was living with a perverse narcissist, a student like her, and according to what she told me, she did not have many friends, I felt sorry for her, I decided to accept her in the place of the other student, final of Medicine.

She reproached me a lot for doing this because she had already told the people she shared with that she was not going to continue living with them. She reproached me a lot but I felt obliged to accept the other.

I spoke with my father, he also agreed and I also saw her that she looked like a sister of mine, all these accumulated characteristics make me take the decisions to share the apartment with her.

I gave her my rules, she quickly accepted. One of my rules was not to come with many people to enter and leave the apartment, because if I rent one of the rooms and sleep with my grandmother it is because I do not have enough resources, she answered yes to everything. Then accepted.

My dad had a week left to go and spend a few days with my sister who lived in the capital, my dad was leaving on Thursday and on Thursday they entered. She told me that it was only her, and when she came, I saw her coming with another. I asked her who is she? She told me that she was her sister that she had no place to live and came to live with her. I did not accept.

I went to explain the case to my father who had still left. I said to my father, I am not going to accept her anymore because she comes with another person and he told me that it was only her. My father responded me: accept her with her sister because she is her sister and she has nowhere to go and also they, being at home, can keep your grandmother company so that she does not stay alone when you go to university. I saw that it was good advice from my father because the one I was talking to to pass her the room had few classes and it was at night and her sister was not studying yet. I let her sit on the bed in the room to go talk to my father and when I returned I told her that I accepted. Before my father left us, he prayed for us and go. Everything was fine, we brought pizza en ate in the same night, we make video, my grandma, the girl and I were very happy.

The people in the neighborhood thought we were sisters. I said them, it is not necessary for the people of the neighborhood to know that you rent me a room because there is a man who sends to watch me over the neighborhood, he will no longer like the idea if I have you near me, because his plan is that I left everything to return to live in the capital so that he can have me close.

Mister Virus did not want me to live with him in his luxurious apartments where he paid 200 dollars a day, what if he wanted was that I returned to live in the capital in a small room, in a miserable condition, very close to him, for when he needed me, he could find me.

The flying monkeys of Mister Virus looking for all the ways they could to make me leave the apartment and go. One of the flying monkeys, the one who always fixed the damaged pipes in the building, he was also a family of the owner of the building, when that man saw my father with me, he called me to ask me who this man is: I shouldn't have answered him but I answered that he is my father. When my father went, now the girls come, he called me again and he said to me: and are these girls going to live with you? I said yes... Those flying monkeys watch you and put you in a situation, it's like you owe them an explanation in everything you do.

When I put those two girls to live with me, that's where the real hell started. They began to manipulate them and I had two enemies lived with me under the same roof. The girl who had no one after bringing the sister that she had nowhere to live, they begin to bring many male friends at night to make them enter her room and make noise. They go into the bathroom, they dirty it and then they go down the staircase with a lot of noise.

Everything I said they began to repeat after me in the form of mockery, the purchases that I had, they ate them and never made purchases, I said them, look, we are living together, if you see something in me that you do not like it, tell me and I will fix it. They never said anything to me and they start acting crazy. One of her was watching me to break the water tap that was inside the bathroom. She threw garbages on the gallery of the apartment. They carried out orders from the neighbors of the neighborhood to the flying monkeys of Mister Virus. In less than a month, the apartment was hot with me.

I had very few friends, I was always alone. Mister Virus had said to his flying monkeys, they see me only because I don't like men, because he began to send me several men to flirt with me, in order to further dirt my reputation, I never gave them where to pass. Then he told them that I don't like a men. Suddenly the girls began to give me more change in the house, when I called her, they will take off all their clothes to come close to me, they walked naked in the house to provoke me.

My birthday was coming, I was having a party, they lived with me, I told them to help me, instead of fixing, messing up. I had to go call another friend to help me and on the day of the party they both disappeared. It was hell, I couldn't study or concentrate on anything because the girls had turned into flying monkeys from Mister Virus. They had two months with me and I couldn't take them anymore. The other girl,who had no place to sleep, came to complain to me because she was the one who paid the other house and that I have to pay her rent before I go.I said them please, you don't have to pay me more, please find other place to go.

I said, the first time, that I was going to leave the apartment, she told me: you are going to leave the apartment, leave it to me, she said me what Mr. Virus would like. I answered her: No, I don't want to leave it to you. At the end after many fights, they came out, but it was not easy at all.

When someone turns into flying monkeys, they do the same thing that the narcissistic wicked wants to do to you. If the narcissist wants to destroy you, he will do it for him. Don't waste your time explaining anything to them because they will always believe the narcissist. You have to make zero contact with both: the perverse narcissist and his flying monkeys. Because they are there to study your state of mind to go and tell the narcissist. They always want to have something to say. They are just as toxic to the perverse narcissist, be very careful with them.

© RebChrist888