

The Three Christians
It is written"But he that shall endure to the end, the same shall be saved. Matthew 24:13"

A long time ago, there were three men who were Christians. They embarked on a journey to their home ( heaven). At the beginning of their journey things were going fine with them and they were glowing in the goodness of God.

As they continued on their journey, they met an evil enemy on the way with evil powers. The started to pray and bind the enemy. But, one of them backslided and went back for fear of the enemy. The other two later overcame the enemy and continued on their journey.

As they continued, they were met with a group of wild animals on the way. One of them said to his fellow " I can't continue, I am going back" . But his courageous friend said "Don't go back, we have gone a long way and we will soon be home". But his counsel fell on deaf ears as his neighbor backslided as well. So he was left all alone. He encouraged himself in the Lord and rebuked the enemy and they departed from him. So he continued.

As he continued on his journey, he was met by the arch enemy of Christians; satan himself. The enemy commanded him to go back. But in reply he said "No, I bind you satan". But satan shouted back at him "I said go back". The Christian then prayed to God for help and God answered his prayers. He also saw a vision of Jesus encouraging him and telling him to come home. So with renewed strength he said " get away in the name of Jesus" and the enemy fled from him.

The Christian then continued his journey to a successful end and he went to heaven to be with the Lord. In heaven he saw Jesus welcoming him "come my son" and the whole host of heaven gave him a grand welcome. He saw the glories of heaven and all his sorrows was wiped away.

So my dear reader, eternity is real, heaven and hell are also real. But the choice is yours to begin a journey to heaven by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour. But just like the three Christians were met with oppositions, the journey is not without it's trials and temptations, but just like the courageous Christian finished his journey to a successful end we all need to endure to the end. I pray that His grace will keep us going to the end in Jesus name. Amen.