

You are always special for me and if you don’t believe me then look at in my eyes ..!!
You feel like you’re boring, like you don’t do anything interesting anymore. Like you’re too tired to make plans and go out and do things friends do. You feel like you’re not there for me as much as I need you to be, or that you want to be. But, the truth is, you’re busy. You have a family to care for, you have your own dreams your passion for photography and they are your priority. Guess what, Sapna ? I understand. I do, too. You will always be my person. You will always be the friend I can go to with anything at any time. You will always make me laugh the hardest. No matter how long it’s been since we’ve spoken on the phone or how many days have passed since we’ve texted or how many months it’s been since I’ve gotten a real life in-person hug, our friendship will always be strong, loyal, and most important real.
To me, you are enough.
More than enough. You may question yourself on a daily basis. Your confidence may be shaky at times. You may want to give up on those really crazy days. And you may not always believe in yourself. But I just want to tell you. I wholeheartedly believe in you. I respect you. I admire you. I’ll always be here for you to vent to or troubleshoot with. And I’ll always be here to lift you up and remind you just how amazing you really are.

So today, and all days, I hope that you can stop and take a minute to see yourself through my eyes. Because you are one heck of a woman. And I’m just glad I know you as who you are ..