

The Beauty in Front of a Broken Mirror
Write a short story that uses atleast two of the given situations:
3. A broken mirror.

In front of a mirror where I look at my reflection, there I try to visualize how beautiful I am.

I try to imagine if I'll look pretty if I had white skin. Will I look beautiful with straight hair? What if my eyes are smaller and my nose is on point, will I look attractive like the others.

In front of a mirror where I look at my reflection, there I compare myself to others.

In front of a mirror where I look at my reflection, there I check if I pass the what they call 'beauty standard'.

In front of a mirror where I look at my reflection, there I realize, If I cannot live up to the standards of beauty of other people, why can't I just create my own version of beauty?

In front of a broken mirror where I look at my reflection, there I claim how beautiful I am regardless of acceptance of other people.

© Jane.T