

My Dear Job
Dear Job,

I miss you so much, when will you come across my way. Have you forgotten me or are you angry with me for not treating you rightly. Can I apologise to you now, will you accept it. I am deeply sorry for not acknowledging you for never valuing you, for taking you for granted when you were with me I never felt the need to value you.

I would like to say to you that you are my first love, you were the dream that I held on to from school days to be a part of you , to join you. I was lucky to find you my perfect match that which I dreamt of and in the same way. Wow it was simply amazing.

I found myself being with you, my strength, my determination and talents to shine. I felt so proud of myself for finding myself, knowing myself. It was a joy to have you around who took care of all my needs and dreams.

Then unknowingly to me stress and strain caught up with me and I lost my shine, I was too immersed in my opinion and emotions that I failed to see the encouragement you gave me to carry on and not bow out. But I had decided that I needed a break to clear my head, but I didn't ask your permission. I just left you one fine day to come back later to renew, never did I know that a relationship once broken can not be healed. The beautiful relationship that I had with you for a decade was broken and I waited for the right moment to meet you but it extended without my intention and again a decade has passed by.

Can you come over to meet me, forgive me for my ignorance and accept me as your friend for life. I want to see me again I lost myself in this decade and I am searching for her, when all the recollection of the happy days together are still in me.

I want to see me shine and you are my guiding light. Do come home to me and together we can create a new decade of success and happiness.

Waiting for you ❤️
© nishineni