

The Man And His Dog #2
The sun was starting to rise, Leo slept on the bed of grass peacefully, Leo then felt something slimy and slobber all over him, he opened his eyes to the brown Pit Bull. He pushed the dog away, laughing.
“Oh, so it’s you again…you’ve returned.” The dog barked, wagging its tail. “Do you have something I can call you and not just a dog? You don't?" The Dog looked quite confused. Leo chuckled. “Heheh, I know it's hard talking human language!” He pet the dog, smiling. Leo got up and walked along the grassy field, the dog followed after. Leo looked back glancing at the brown Pit Bull, it didn’t seem like he had a name. “I think I’ll call you…Hiroshi.” As Leo walked along the grass he kicked a rock. Hiroshi barked running after the rock. Leo chuckled. He then sighed.

Leo didn’t want to steal, but he had too, he had no choice. He walked along the train track, and was surprised to see a red car in the distance. He saw two men, and a woman, talking. They must have money, something at least! One of the men spoke, he was wearing a red suit with a black cane.
“We need more dogs, strong ones, ones that are dangerous! not some silly golden retriever! People want money, they want fights.” The other guy sighed, and spoke.
“I know, I know! I’m trying my best! it’s hard to find good dogs out there that’ll show me a fight!”

Leo peered over to the red car, why were they here? out in the middle of nowhere? Leo saw the woman’s purse positioned on her arm. Leo ran towards the lady dashing, Hiroshi followed after barking. They heard the barking in the distance, but before the lady could turn around Leo snatched the purse from under her arm, he tried to run away but tripped and fell onto the ground. He hit his back. He was about to get a back up, but paused once he heard a “CLick.” Noise. It was a gun, pointing right at his face. Leo froze as he glared at the gun.
“Put it down fella, or I’ll blow your head off!” It was the guy with the red suit. Leo was hesitant to put the purse down, Hiroshi ran in front of Leo standing in front of the gun. Hiroshi growled at the man. It was a good moment of intense silence. With The only noise being Hiroshi's growling. The guy in the red suit smirked, he put the gun away slowly. The woman scoffed, the woman was wearing a red silk dress, she had curly blond short hair.
“What the hell are you doing just standing there, Cruise! He stole my purse, shoot his a** already!”
“Shut the hell up, Marissa!” Said Cruise, a crooked smile spread across his face. He stared at the Pit Bull. “Is that your dog?” He asked, Cruise knelt down towards the Pit Bull. He reached his hand out, but the pit bull lashed out snarling, snapping his teeth at him. Cruise quickly took his hand away before the dog could bite him. Cruise laughed. “He’s perfect!” Leo mumbled.
“This…he’s not really my dog…” Cruise looked at Leo closely, he saw his tattered clothes on and bare feet. He smiled, he whipped out of his pocket a five dollar bill. "Here," Cruise said smiling. "I think we got off on the wrong foot…sorry about the gun, the name's Cruise!" Cruise stared deeply into Leo's eyes waiting for a response. "My name is…Leo" Leo mumbled. Cruise nods.
“Well, Leo, you’re a pretty lucky man to end up finding me here, especially in the middle of nowhere!” Leo tilted his head.
“Lucky-how?” Cruise helped Leo onto feet, he nudged him onto the shiny red car. Marissa gasped. "Are you serious letting this a** hole set in our car? He freaking robbed me of my purse!" Cruise nods. Though he didn't really care what Marissa had to say, they loaded the pit bull into the trench. Cruise looked back at Leo smiling at him. "Uhh, am I being kidnapped?" Leo said jokingly. Cruise chuckled.
"I'm going to show you something that will change your life…forever, and for the better!" Cruise eased on the gas pedal, and off they went, following the train path further down the field. "The guy right there to your left is Alex. I'm Cruise, and here beside me is Marissa. "You a** hole." Marissa commented. They made it the end of the field, they made it the entrance of the woods. "We have to walk the rest of the way!" Cruise said. Cruise handed Leo a dirty red leash. "Pit that leash on your dog, he's gonna need it." Leo did as he was told, he didn't want to be threatened with a gun again. They walked into the woods, crossing over sticks and branches. Marissa groaned. "Ugh, I hate going through this path every time! It gets my dress dirty!" Cruise Rolled his eyes. After about ten minutes of walking, they made it to a large brick and wooden building. It looked pretty ratchet to Leo. "Why is the building…broken?" Leo said. Cruise laughed out loud. "HAHAHA, this guy said, 'broken!' HAHAHA!" Leo couldn't understand what was so funny.
"Leo," Said Cruise. "Welcome to…the ring! This place will change your life forever!" Leo smiled. "Really? Are you…not lying?" Cruise frowned. Marissa glared at Leo. "Why Does he talk like he's from another country?" Marissa snorted. Cruise scowled at her.
"Marissa, for the last time shut the f*** up! We need to be nice and inviting to our new friend!" Cruise said, patting Leo on the back. Right…friend…" commented Alex. They all three walked inside the building. Leo's eyes widened, he looked around seeing people all seated in a circle, they were benches lined up in rows. Leo turned his head as he heard the sound of snarling and biting. His mouth dropped. He saw two dogs, one, a German Shepherd, and a Doberman. Biting and clawing each other, So many questions were racing through Leo's head. "What’s wrong with the dogs, why are they like that?" Leo asked. Cruise shrugged.
"I have the slightest idea, they just somehow got mad at each other and started fighting."
"But what's really important is to see which dog wins, what dog do you vote for, cause I bet that German Shepherd would be dead meat by the time Doberman is done with'em!" Leo seemed dismayed.
"Uh…the-the Doberman…?" Cruise hit Leo on the back, it frightened him. Cruise yelled.
"ALRIGHT EVERYBODY, Who's willing to bet the Doberman will lose?" Hiroshi looked frantically around the room, snarling and growling. It looked like he was going to lose it himself. A guy walked over to Cruise. Cruise laughed. "Be a general man and show our new commercial how it's done over here." The man nods.
"How much are you willing to bet?" The guy said. Leo was trying to gain money, not lose money. He looked at Cruise waiting for assistance. "Go on!" Cruise said, gesturing towards Leo's pocket. Leo took out a five dollar bill. The guy frowned. "Seriously?" He walked away from Leo. Cruise sighed.
"Please forgive him." Cruise said, he quickly catches up to the guy, he grabs him by the collar holding him back. Cruise pulls the guy towards him. Cruise whispers in a cold dead voice. "I suggest you be nice to new guests here, do you understand?" The guy shuddered, for some reason Cruise's cold voice made him feel uncomfortable, fearful of him. Maybe that was because Cruise had a gun on him 24/7 and wouldn't hesitate to use it on someone.

The guy quickly made his way back to Leo. He smiled. "Ok then!" He said, forcing a smile. He looked down at Leo's dog, Hiroshi and saw how on edge he was. "Here's how it works…buddy. If that Doberman loses, you give me your five dollar bill. But if the Doberman wins! I gave you my 20 dollar bill, got that?" Leo nods. Leo gripped down on the woods rules as he saw the two dogs fight each other waiting for at least one of them to drop down, exhausted, tired, dead, even. Leo needed that money, and no way he was gonna leave without it. Cruise walked up to. "Relax buddy, it's alright. I'm on your side. I'm hoping the Doberman is gonna win too!" Cruise said as he smiled. Leo smiled back this time.

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