

The Man And His Dog #2
The sun was starting to rise, Leo slept on the bed of grass peacefully, Leo then felt something slimy and slobber all over him, he opened his eyes to the brown Pit Bull. He pushed the dog away, laughing.
“Oh, so it’s you again…you’ve returned.” The dog barked, wagging its tail. “Do you have something I can call you and not just a dog? You don't?" The Dog looked quite confused. Leo chuckled. “Heheh, I know it's hard talking human language!” He pet the dog, smiling. Leo got up and walked along the grassy field, the dog followed after. Leo looked back glancing at the brown Pit Bull, it didn’t seem like he had a name. “I think I’ll call you…Hiroshi.” As Leo walked along the grass he kicked a rock. Hiroshi barked running after the rock. Leo chuckled. He then sighed.

Leo didn’t want to steal, but he had too, he had no choice. He walked along the train track, and was surprised to see a red car in the distance. He saw two men, and a woman, talking. They must have money, something at least! One of the men spoke, he was wearing a red suit with a black cane.
“We need more dogs, strong ones, ones that are dangerous! not some silly golden retriever! People want money, they want fights.” The other guy sighed, and spoke.
“I know, I know! I’m trying my best! it’s hard to find good dogs out there that’ll show me a fight!”

Leo peered over to the red car, why were they here? out in the middle of nowhere? Leo saw the woman’s purse positioned on her arm. Leo ran towards the lady dashing, Hiroshi followed after barking. They heard the barking in the distance, but before the lady could turn around Leo snatched the purse from under her arm, he tried to run away but tripped and fell onto the ground. He hit his back. He was about to get a back up, but paused once he heard a “CLick.” Noise. It was a gun, pointing right at his face. Leo froze as he glared at the gun.
“Put it down fella, or I’ll blow your head...