

Ch 5- I heard it
I couldn’t bring my mind to rest because everything seemed so weird since some days. Nightmares, blood on my hands, mysteriously bandage wrapped on my hands, the crying girl and now this painting.

That night, I felt as if I was about to lose my mind. I kept on dreaming about that painting and that girl….and Jane. “Something’s not right.”

The next day, Sam called me and said he wanted to hang out. I assume he’s already back from his business trip. He rang the doorbell and I opened the door. He stood all dressed up in a black suit with a bouquet of flowers.

Chris: What’s all this for?

Sam: Oh, you forgot…

At first I had no idea what he was talking about but then I suddenly remembered.

Chris: Oh god…just give me five minutes. I’ll be back soon.

Sam: Sure...

It was the day when Jane’s brother died two years ago in some sort of accident maybe. She never told much but the officers believed it wasn’t an accident. It was done on purpose….But they couldn’t find any trace so the case was closed soon.

I quickly got ready and went down. Sam was sitting on the couch.

Chris: I’m ready. Let’s g-

All of a sudden, everything seemed to slow down and my vision became blurry as I stumbled a little. I found myself in a hospital. Everyone was rushing and running. Some doctors had blood on their robes as they hurried a woman on the stretcher. She was a beautiful woman but her face was smeared with blood. It was mom. She had several pieces of glass stabbed all across her abdomen.

“You filthy murderer…”

I don’t know what it was or who said it but it raged me suddenly and I punched the mirror in the hallway in front of me.

My eyes cleared up and I found Sam.

Sam: Hey, Chris?! What’s wrong with you? All of a sudden you just punched me in the face!

And when I saw his face, he had a slightly purple left eye which was half opened.

What happened just now was…really weird but I just couldn’t help but laugh at Sam’s face.

Sam: Hey! This isn’t funny! You just ruined my face!

Chris: Stop whining, it’ll heal soon.

Sam: If it doesn’t fade within a week, I ain’t your friend anymore! Now let’s go!

I chuckled again. He really is a child at heart.

When we reached at a big open yard where Jane’s brother’s grave was, we saw her already standing there wearing a long black dress which blew sideways due to the breeze. She turned and looked at us with tears in her eyes. We went and stood beside her as Sam put the flowers on the grave.

Jane: Glad you all are here…

Sam: Of course, why wouldn’t we be?

He said rubbing her hair gently to comfort her.

It was a sort of green hill and there was no one else except us. Jane then said that she’ll be going home.

Sam: So, should we go somewhere or you wanna go home?

Chris: Nah, let’s go over at McDonald’s. I’m starving.

Sam: Ok, but since you just punched me, you’ll pay.

I sighed.

Chris: Fine. It’s not even that bad.

I mumbled.

After giving our order, I sat down in front of Sam.

Sam: Can I ask you something?

Chris: Shoot.

Sam: Are you okay? You don’t look so good these days.

I flinched.

Chris: Why would you even think that?

I don’t want to let him know. It’ll just worry him.

Sam: It’s nothing much. I just feel like you’re so out of it these days. And you punched me today morning.

Chris: You’ve got to get over that!

Sam: You also seemed as if you’d cry anytime.

Chris: What if I don’t want to worry you?

Sam: Hey, it’s okay. You can tell me anytime. Besides I don’t have anywhere I would possibly go anytime soon. So, take your time.

Sam may be goofy and childish but he observes things about me which I never thought he would.

I was happy with him so I completely forgot about what happened today. Also, I forgot about Jane.

“You’ll accept me soon…”     

He just came back with our burgers as I said:

Chris: Sam, did you say something?

Sam: Nope. Why? What did you hear?

Chris: I don’t know. I heard someone say “you’ll accept me soon.”

He laughed a little.

Sam: What is this, a scene from a movie?

Chris: It wasn’t supposed to be a joke.

Sam: Just kidding. You’re fine, Chris. You know I’ll always help you.

Chris: Yeah…By the way, how was your business trip? You were back sooner than I expected.

Sam: What are you talking about? You know how boring business trips are.

Chris: So, you…

Sam: No, I never went on a business trip. Who told you this?

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