

Building Up
Building strength, tapering off, gaining a new body design that was once lost. Between the obsessions for processed foods over the years. The physical contour was broken by the ways I chose to live. Creating a different perspective. A healthy lifestyle was expected. The obsessive and uncontrollable appetite was placed under control. Lifting resistance bands, tightening up the usual into a stronger mold. Building up every body part placed under alert. Applying consistent reps as the physical changes, the body hurts. Time seems to be relevant, however, days of practicing and losing weight have to be considered wise. The body's transitioning, muscles up using powerlifting, it's pleasing to the eyes. While reshaping. From head to toes sculpting, retrieving a more suitable design. Choices are different, eating vegetables, fruits beans nuts and berries. Drinking water, staying hydrated. Focusing. Building up. Tightening the lines. Flattening the abdomen. The perfect v shape with incredible shoulders, forming a healthy design. Building up.
© Daniel Mason