

The Ultimate Stealth
Entering passcode on the Tablet :
7 9 1 5 0 2 0 1
'Welcome ma'am. Opening the Chamber now.' announced an automated voice.
And then the bed in her room gets lifted up through a complex mechanism and then the floor underneath opens up revealing a hidden staircase.
She walks down into the secret chamber through the staircase and the door closes behind her and the bed above, goes back to its normal place.
As soon as she entered , the lights are turned on and the chamber is now dimly lit with blue and white lights.
It was all empty.
Just a huge chair at the center.

She walks towards the chair and then sits in it.
She presses a button on the left arm of the chair.
A panel emerges from the right arm of the chair.
She presses the Power button on the panel and a holographic screen appears in front of her.
On the screen, there was nothing but just a folder named Collections So Far.
She presses the Down key on the panel, the cursor moves to that folder.
She presses OK button and the folder opens.
It had 6 files.

She click opened the first file named Trust.
A small door on the wall to her left slide opens.
Inside it was another hologram displaying a picture of a boy and his details.
Under the hologram, on a raised round platform, was a piece of a red crystal.
'September, 2012
Name : William
Age : 21
Attribute obtained : Trust' announced the automated voice.
Then she clicked on the second file named Understanding.
Another door, to the left of the first one, slide opens, displaying a picture of another guy and another piece of red crystal.
'January, 2014
Name : Harry
Age : 18
Attribute obtained : Understanding' announced the voice.

She keeps on opening the rest of the files, namely Respect, Time, Space and Care, and doors keep sliding open to display pictures of four more boys and four more pieces of red crystal. Simultaneously the automated voice keeps on telling the details of each one.
Three displays on her left and three on her right.
Now only one was left unopened, right in the center of all the other displays.

"Join all the pieces we have Samantha" she orders the automated voice.
And soon, Samantha joined holographic images of all the crystal pieces and displayed it on the screen.
It was a heart ; but an incomplete one.
"Hmmm. So we are left with just one piece. And what's that Samantha?" she asks Samantha.
'The only attribute left is Affection, ma'am.' answers Samantha.
"Hahaha!" she starts laughing.
"You know what Samantha, it's the easiest one! I could've gathered it from Crushes, but all those would've been equal to dust. And how am I supposed to join dust!
Then I could've collected it from those six. But then six pieces for one attribute, more labour.
So I kept this one as my last task. And the best thing is that it's gonna take much less time then all the previous ones. Just three months!
And then I'll have it. The perfect heart. The one that's gonna be with me forever, and I'll have the love I've always wanted. I'll never be alone then. "and she gives a bright smile.
'Yes ma'am.' says Samantha.

" Turn off the system Samantha." she orders.
'OK ma'am.'says Samantha.
" Oh wait Samantha! Make sure to delete all the Memories files while I'm gone." she says.
' Sure ma'am.' says Samantha.
And slowly all the six doors start sliding shut.
The holographic screen also gets disappeared.
She presses the button on the left arm of her chair and the panel on the right arm of the chair disappears into the arm.
"OK then, let's go for the last one." she says and gets up from the chair.
"Open the exit Samantha" she orders.
'Opening the exit ma'am.' says Samantha. And then the bed gets lifted up and the floor slide opens.
She climbs up the stairs and enters her bedroom.
"Seal the Chamber Samantha." she orders.
'Sealing the Chamber now.' says Samantha.
And then the floor closes and the bed returns back to its place.
'Sealing complete. Have a good night ma'am.' says Samantha.

It was 11:57 PM.
She sits on her bed and start checking her phone.
She gets a message on FriendsBook.
She opens it ; it's from a guy, Henry :
'My sweetest wishes on your 25th birthday dear!'
'Thank you so much! And Happy 28th birthday to you too love!' she replies.
'Shall we celebrate together?'
'Of course!' she replies.
'OK then, I'll pick you tomorrow. It'll be a big surprise for my baby girl.'
'Aww. You're the best! I can't wait for tomorrow!'
'Love you my baby doll. See you tomorrow. Good night. Kisses.'
'Love you too! Good night! Sweet dreams!' she replies and then puts her phone down ; a grimacing smile on her face.

The End

- bani745