

Refining fire
She could hear them.Hear their cries as they fervently wished against the imminent death. She could smell the acrid scent of smoke in the air.
Taste blood in her mouth.

Her mother had gathered her close, whimpering as they striked her all over. Her mother just pulled her close, acting as a shield against all things wrong in the world, only this time literally.

She remembered shaking in her mother's arms when she felt the pressure of their punches on her mother.

She had felt helpless one second and a soul consuming rage had taken over.

It all happened under one second.

She remembered feeling disconnected from her body. A feeling of elation. Warm embrace of a refining fire.

Next when she came to her senses, charred bodies were all that remained.

She had sworn then to keep her fire sealed. She was no henchman forced by duty to impart justice. And, playing with fire is dangerous. As she had just proven.

She let her eyes wander off once more. Blood smeared the grass. Some splattered on shields.

She had tried to reign her evil. The power that rained carnage. But in a world begotten of evil, virtue never won.

She looked back. Their eyes locked. He was panting heavily and had his sword drawn. Blood gushed from a wound on his other arm.

She smiled at him, almost apologising. A smile that never really reached her eyes. She had a lot to say. She had a lot of questions. But, time was a luxury they couldn't afford now.

She held up her hand as he started to say something. Then she waved.

Turning she took in the battlefield once more.

All was not lost. Yet.

She reached into herself prodding the familiar warmth. This was her weapon. Her calling. Her meaning.

Smiling, she unleashed herself.
© Enyah