

Even When I fall His Hand, He Still dey Hold My Hand.
I've come to realize that even when I'm not faithful, the Lord is always faithful.

Even when I don't do things I ought to do. He makes them stand out like I actually did them.
"Isn't this a kind of Grace?"

Like, how can you explain this;

I'm the kind of person that does not fancy greeting someone at a far distance. I prefer greeting when they're at a closer range with me.

But when I walked, people younger or at the same age with me always greet me whether the distance between us is far or closer.

Like, they'll shout my name and greet.
Sometimes, I found this embarrassing.

"I don't do this thing Lord.
Why the reciprocal of what I don't do?"
I do throw this rhetorical question at myself

I think it should be 'what you do to others shall be done unto you' thingy. Perhaps, the Lord wants me to feel guilty and start doing it.

© Merci A. Mujidat