

Love between Hatred
Chapter 99 : Shravan wins the case

The Episode starts with Shravan saying you think we had to become friends, I got to know this yesterday, I will leave then. Vikram says stop captain, sit please, you are an army man, your duty is to serve country, I m a lawyer, this is my work, I don’t care about the opposite party, I don’t know about the case verdict, I have sympathy for my friend, if you have no problem with me, then don’t break this friendship, I will regret a lot that I lost a good friend.

Shravan hugs him. Vikram says you have a big heart, I knew you won’t move back, what’s this blood on your uniform. Shravan says I m fine, its an old wound healing. Vikram says I will be happy if I win or lose. Shravan says yes, lets meet tomorrow for the case. They hug.

Kanchan says how did Shravan become Vikram’s friend, you are moving on, I won’t leave him if he comes in between. Suman says Shravan will never back stab me, I m worried that Vikram may get hurt, Vikram did a lot for us, Shravan said he will be away from Vikram but…. Kanchan says it will be good. Vikram calls Suman and asks how are you feeling now. She says I m okay. He says I have to tell you about my friend Shravan, he is Devraj’s son, he came to my office and told me, you are my client, its my duty to tell you, I didn’t see such a man, he wanted to break friendship with me, he got birthday gift for me, I didn’t let him go, we meet less people like him, Shravan is a good man, whatever his dad did, you also meet Shravan. Suman and Kanchan hear him. He says once you meet him, you will understand. She says I will see, I don’t care. He says I think this about you, thanks for understanding, alright, we will meet tomorrow. He ends call. Kanchan says tell Vikram about Shravan. Suman says he told me that he has no interest in my past, my attention is on the case tomorrow. Kanchan asks did your old feeling get revived again. Suman says no, I don’t care what Shravan feels.

Shravan says dad has to come tomorrow. His mum says he didn’t eat anything, he is unwell, he can’t come, take some other date. He asks her to take care of dad. He says don’t worry, I m here. He ends call. Its morning, Suman talks to her dad’s pic. She says we will win and then I will never see Shravan’s face. Shravan says we will get justice and then I will never meet Suman. They get ready and leave for the court. They come to the court. Shravan’s lawyer asks Suman to delay the date. Suman says I don’t want any delay.

Vikram says maybe Devraj is really ill. Suman asks is this my lawyer thinking or Shravan’s friend. He says fine, I will try my best that case verdict comes. She signs the papers. He goes. Shravan says Suman, my dad is really ill. Suman accuses him. She says if there was trust, we would have not been here. The man says Vikram will tell you the verdict. Shravan gets a call from his dad. His dad says police is standing downstairs, will I get jailed. Shravan says no, none can punish you for honesty. Suman and Shravan argue. They go to the court. They recall the past moments. Vikram comes. Suman asks him to give good news fast.

Vikram says we lost the case. Suman gets sad. Shravan gets the good news from his lawyer and smiles. Vikram says Sanjay and Vishal worked under Devraj, they were guilty, Devraj is innocent, he had already gone through punishment for three years. They see Shravan. Vikram says I have to take some papers. He goes. Shravan says you said right, justice should be given to the innocent, my dad got justice but it got late, Colonel Vijay Tiwari was my teacher, I had same place for him in my heart as my dad, I still regret that he passed away. He leaves. She cries.

PRECAP : Suman says the way he said sorry to me, I could see his feelings. Bunty says she has to wipe her own tears, what can you do. Shravan sees Suman crying...