

A brave King
Light the lamps for the king returns,
Victorious and valiant,
In an eternal battle with,
A ten headed enemy,
Whose only goal was the Kings defeat.
A horrendous monster of an unfathomable darkness, but a King so courageous had burnt a flame, and washed away the enemy's unspoken name.

"Ti's a beast whom shows no fear!" The king came galloping through the castle gates, "But nor have I, for I, have found a single weakness, a heart of bravery too strong to pierce with a single arrow of that begotten beast!"

"Here a head, to remind all whom may lay eyes upon it," The King raises a blood-dripping head, of sickening eyes to whom the beast now lost.

"For Belvour I have fought! For family I have won! And for the kingdom I shall continue on. For all of thee within and without these castle gates, are warriors and heroes with an adventurous fate!"

© Calli.B