

Chaos Mitigation
Chaos if anything is an opposite of peace, though it is inherent to nature itself. Even the roots of trees and other plant life strangle eachother out of competition for the water and nutrients in the soil, even the dolphins that people adore so much rape and violate other creatures, nothing is as pure as one would hope for and often we delude ourselves into thinking otherwise. Little do you know that with every breath the oxygen that you take in damages the very cells that transports it through your body, your eyes create an upside down image that image that your brain must work extra hard to correct as you exist not as some sort of creation that bares the marks of such, but you instead exist as you were a possibility that is inevitable through an eternity of probabilities: a flawed existence with much yet to be realized potential.

If a million indestructable hundred sided dice were rolled and rerolled for an eternity, eventually all would land on one hundred and if not for this reality, the seemingly almost unfathomably improbable conditions lining up for life to develop never would have been able to be. There was an eternity before humanity, and there will be an eternity after humanity and unless we find an escape, we will fade when the death of our planet or solar system comes or when our genetic code fails to be sufficient for ensuring our survival. That's the awesome thing about humanity though, we could potentially find a way to conquer the very chaos that allowed for us to come into existence to begin with and thus conquer the very chaos through which would eventually cause us to cease in existing, of course required that our technology and cultures mature to such a point as would allow for such. This is what makes humanity unique out of every other creature on earth, this potential exists only within humanity.

Through sustainable living, we can conquer the part of nature best described as dog eat dog, but then there's the problem where some people have had this part of natural world ingrained into them due to a domino effect going far back to the times when we lived in close contact and connection with nature as a whole. When the dog eat dog mentality is adopted by someone, the way they act towards others often encourage those others to also adopt such, and this all began because dog eat dog is precisely how things were when humanity was much younger and had to contend with the chaos of the natural world. Humanity was prey as much as it was also a predator, and what we can uncover about those ancient times certainly confirms such, but the chaos of that very environment is still ingrained in humanity to a rather toxic extent and so the dog eat dog mentality still has functionality simply because the dog eat dog mentality still exists within mankind.

Philosophers, psychologists, and sociologists have uncovered quite a bit over the past couple thousand years that we can piece together for forming a model for a much better world. Starting with a rather utopian model made through a collection of ideas and advancements that are equally infectious as they are effective at ensuring quality of life, satisfaction of life, productivity, and forward thinking, we could achieve world peace. The problem here is that failures in sustainability are not the only reasons as to why so many utopian attempts have failed thus so far. The reason people do not succeed in utopian attempts is because they do not understand the extent of the focus they need to place on the sustainability aspect, they do not understand the extent they need to focus of the human aspect, or a mixture of both. There can be no Utopia that is a utopia for everyone in existence, it must be a dystopia for some if it is to be a Utopia for others, from here it is all about determing a proper criteria for Utopian residency. For example, if your utopia is percieved as a utopia by a child molester, it will cease to be a utopia for the children and those who truly care about those children.

So far we have the following conclusions here; 1-Nature is chaotic, 2-Humanity has the potential to transcend this chaos, 3-Peace is an opposite of chaos, 4-Ideas and ways of life can be infectious, 5-Utopia can effectively be a seed to world peace, 6-Utopian attempts have failed due to human aspects (Quality of people) and sustainability aspects, 7-Enough time and effort has passed for the advancements made by philosophers, sociologists, and psychologists to have sufficient data for which to base a better model for living on that can be applied to a utopian model, 8-A Utopia must be a dystopia for some, 9-The proper criteria for determing whether or not someone is fit for a residency in a utopian structure is an important matter to debate and establish.

What I feel I should seek to establish here are the following; 1-What I personally would propose as a proper criteria for the screening for residency in a utopian structure, 2-Why should we care about extending humanity's capacity for survival and what should you do if the provided reasoning is insufficient for you to care, and 3-How Utopia could spread world wide when not all are eligible for residency (Without the need for inhumane actions). From here ther are of course expected to be blindspots for other matters I should cover as I am but a single mind, for that I need feedback in the form of inquiries that only those of sufficient intelligence who read what I write would be able to provide. Additionally, there is information I did not include here that is relevant for conclusions I listed, please do comment if you see insufficient reasoning, I would like to start there.
© Lokeal Votaro