

Chaos Mitigation
Chaos if anything is an opposite of peace, though it is inherent to nature itself. Even the roots of trees and other plant life strangle eachother out of competition for the water and nutrients in the soil, even the dolphins that people adore so much rape and violate other creatures, nothing is as pure as one would hope for and often we delude ourselves into thinking otherwise. Little do you know that with every breath the oxygen that you take in damages the very cells that transports it through your body, your eyes create an upside down image that image that your brain must work extra hard to correct as you exist not as some sort of creation that bares the marks of such, but you instead exist as you were a possibility that is inevitable through an eternity of probabilities: a flawed existence with much yet to be realized potential.

If a million indestructable hundred sided dice were rolled and rerolled for an eternity, eventually all would land on one hundred and if not for this reality, the seemingly almost unfathomably improbable conditions lining up for life to develop never would have been able to be. There was an eternity before humanity, and there will be an eternity after humanity and unless we find an escape, we will fade when the death of our planet or solar system comes or when our genetic code fails to be sufficient for ensuring our survival. That's the awesome thing about humanity...