

stranger things
A stranger walked over to me and whispered in my ear "I know where you were last night" I was shocked and turned back, their was a guy staring me...I don't know but I felt I knew him from somewhere and then...I asked)
Who are you? ....
What are you talking about? I startled....
(I saw a visious smile on his face but it was not clear,the black hoodie and his hair covered his face, I panicked....I started walking away....but he was following me....I just wanted to get to my home somehow....but he never stopped...when I reached an empty street he chased me out and blocked me )
He again told me again that "I know where you were last night".
I didn't have up I asked" what should I do if you know where was I last night?".
He smirked....and I was just gonna walk away he caught my hand and stopped me and said "hey,maals don't you remember me?"
I was shocked....it was him Ankit....my best friend, who left me because he grew feelings for me then.... To be honest I too loved him... But it was too late to confess.... I was a little confused about the fact how did he know where I was last night... Cause it's been years since we met.... I was feeling relieved.... I said "Ankit... You? What are you doing here? Where were you since years anky? (How stupid I was to call him that name which we I called him back then)
He said" So you remember me maals, oh sorry malvika....?"
I said "yes, how could I forget someone who was everything to me..."(having tears in my eyes)
I asked" what are you talking about Ankit...where I was last night?"
He said, " I know your darkest secret which you have been hiding from everyone".
I said," please let me go....I don't wanna talk about that" but
I held me near him and said "I want you back....I can't let you fail like this in your life...."
I started to melt like a candle in his words but then I said " I can't...I can't let you into my life....I can't love you anymore....I can't let my soul cry for you anymore....I wanna fall and stand up on my own...if I fail I wanna win my life back my own....Ankit if you wanna go and tell everyone that I am a singer in bar....then go on I won't hold you back....cause it's my life and if anything matters then it's my decisions and my choices and none of you have the right to judge me".
He was startled by my words....and he couldn't find the words to make me affraid of....I let my hand off from him and picked my guitar from the street and left him behind...
Me being a girl struggle to live here among you....hope to conquer the success which I have always dreamt of.....
Friend who now is a stranger....
-neethu sudheep
© neethu sudheep