

The ever growing societal expectations, the never ending family aspirations, all has taken away our charm of individuality...our raw self. We are all a part of the large crowd entagnled in chains of what 'should' be the right thing to say, what 'should' be the right thing to think, how one 'should' walk, how one 'should' talk. But, life is not about SHOULD'S and NEEDS. Its more about WOULD'S and WANTS. Do I want to pursue this career?? Would I like to marry that person??.

So, break this cocoon set yourself free...let your head and heart say No, I dont like this colour..No, I dont agree to your opinion.. Okay you might be correct but I choose to stay here.. This is exactly what i feel about you.. Thankyou, but i can clear my own mess..No, i cant fake my feelings just because my family feels it to be correct... I know I am a guy but i still like guys..Yes, I did a mistake and I learned from it... Though I failed again but, I still want to try.. Maybe its fine to be just fine...I might be unreasonable.. I am not perfect.

Let your minds and action cooperate to reveal your true self.... The self that would achieve its utmost happiness when the caged thoughts come to reality. Time to get rustic...its time to be organic.

Lift your heads up, unfurl your wings, flap out all the fears and then make your flight as then you are sure to touch the sky!!!