

Love Story (31)
Episode 31 :- Bearing With It

Previously Shanaya and Abhimanyu go on a date where Shanaya gets kidnapped. Abhi receives a call from the kidnapper but he doesn't identify who it was as the voice was a IVR. He gets a clue about the place where Shanaya could be because of the background noise he heard while being on the call.

He started to look on the internet for some machines. He found that the noise of the machines that he heard was of a specific machine which was brought by a businessman from Germany but he was caught up in corruption so his business and factory was seized and the machine was never able to get released. He remembered it because he was the one who got him busted. Since that place would be empty and deserted, he felt that Shanaya would have been held hostage there. He called Viaan and Shaurya to inform them about this and asked them to be very careful. They told him that they have found the men who were tailing them. Abhimanyu came out of his car, and started to walk on a narrow street to make those guys follow him. They followed him from far. He then started to run, those guys also started to run. He went in an empty garage. Those guys came inside and he beat them all. He made them all faint. He asked his guards to take care of them. He then drove to that factory and met Viaan and Shaurya there. He asked about the situation there.
Viaan :- We are checking the whole factory, we haven't found her yet.
Shaurya :- God knows, how she will be?
Abhi :- Don't worry Dad, she will be fine. She is our Shanaya, nothing can happen to her.
Abhi went inside the factory too.Viaan looked for her everywhere but couldn't find a trace of her. He looked around and saw that there were beer bottles and Cigarettes fallen. He saw that the end of the cigarette was still hot, so he understood that they have escaped not much long ago. He informed it to Abhi and his fellow officers, asking them to barricade the highway and check every car that looks suspicious. He asked Shaurya to look for her somewhere else but Abhimanyu was still in the factory. He was at the end gate of the factory. He kept on shouting Shanaya's name. On the other hand, Viaan received an info on the walkie talkie that there was a car here which had someone kidnapped in their trunk. Before the officers could check who it was they broke the barricade and ran away. Viaan asked them the direction in which they went. He informed it to Shaurya and Abhimanyu. Shaurya went along but Abhimanyu stayed back. Shaurya called him again and again and asked him to come soon but he didn't respond. He walked towards the metal wall of the factory. As he walked towards the wall, his heart raced faster. He was unsure till now but since his heart is racing the same as when he was around Shanaya he was becoming a bit sure. But he also remembered what Viaan said. He took slow steps towards the wall. His heart still raced then he walked behind and his heart calmed as he went away from the wall. Viaan and Shaurya came from the other direction to block the car. While other officers followed the car. They caught the car. When they checked the car trunk they found the sack and saw a man in it. The man jumped out of the sack and began to laugh. Viaan became furious and held the car driver by his collar.
Viaan :- Where is Shanaya?
Driver :- Who is that?
Viaan :- Stop playing games with me, why were you running away in car?
Driver :- Who said we were running? We were just driving a bit fast. (he laughed mocking at him)
Viaan :- Arrest them both.
The man who was in the sack taunted him saying that by the time you will find where she is, she will be dead already. The disappointment is that you will not be able to see how painful her death was. Viaan became more angry and slapped him hard.
Viaan :- She is my friend Shanaya Singhal. I will find her safe and sound. You worry about yourself because there is no guarantee you will be safe and sound after I find her.
Shanaya was slowly coming into wake. She slowly opened her eyes and immediately screamed after finding Indra right in front of her. She looked around and was shocked. She cried in pain again. Her neck hurted as Indra's men had pierced the injection mercilessly. Indra came to take a look at her wound. Her hands were cuffed behind and her legs were tied. She tried to move her head when Indra came to look at the injury. She didn't want him to touch her. He realized it too that she doesn't want him to touch so he pretended he will not. He just looked from a little far. She was worried and panicked but she believed that he won't touch her as he stood behind. But he came near her, she started to breathe heavily. He lingered his hand around her neck softly. She tried to avoid it but he didn't leave. All of a sudden that room went dark and all his men disappeared. He left too. She relaxed for a while. But soon she started to worry, as she could hear boots noise approaching her from back. She also heard someone running. Then suddenly a light was spotted on her. There were two men one approaching from front and other from back. The person who was coming from front sprayed pepper spray in her eyes causing her to scream a lot. She cried a lot in pain even while she was screaming the person who sprayed pepper in it stood in front of her smiled looking her suffer in pain. She couldn't open her eyes. She kept her eyes closed, she could sense that someone is standing in front of her.
Shanaya :- Wh..who are you?
Man :- Someone you should fear.
Shanaya :- This way of your revenging me means I would have done something seriously right in my vision but wrong for you.
He screamed and was about to slap her but the person standing behind her in boots signed him to not. He stopped.
Man :- It isn't you who hurt me but your precious. So, he will pay the price for it by seeing you suffer.
That man was all-time enemy of Abhimanyu, Raghu. He has been his competitor for a very long time. He always used dirty tactics to defeat him but always lost by Abhimanyu. His dear brother had taken all the blames when Abhimanyu wanted to get him arrested. He had promised to take his brother out but his brother was a junkie he couldn't hold himself in for a long and ended up dieing when he couldn't control his temper and got into fight with inmates. His inmates beat him brutally. They took his tooth out and broke his ankle bone. They beat him a lot. He was taken to the hospital but he couldn't make it and thus died before his brother could bring him out of the prison. He blamed Abhimanyu for his brother's death. Indra got to know about his enmity with Abhimanyu and decided to make him a part of his plan to revenge Shanaya. He wanted to seek revenge on Shanaya and Raghu wanted to revenge Abhimanyu so they decided to torture her a lot, to make her suffer from a lot of pain.
Her eyes were still burning a lot and she exhaled deeply in pain.

© Bhoomish