

Everything teach us something
Today as like every day, new story and new page of life book. Far away in dark, a moon and thousands of stars shining and lightning all the night. I can see a star, million of kilometres away, a bright and continuously giving signals of it's presence. Look everything show their presence and teach us something. We are living a wonderful world with full of wonderful nature. Everything around us, shows beauty of nature and tell us, how everything is different. We are human and most intelligent creature in the world, but we hardly see, what is happening around us. Look at the sky, clouds, peak of beautiful mountains and thousands of living creatures. Nature always teach us something deeply and realistic. Colours, Sizes and shapes cover beauty's of everything around us. we can't even imagine, how beautiful nature is and how deep it's structure.

Believe it, life is a blessing. it's only chance to explore beauty around us. It's only path to understand real purpose of life and live with happiness. let's move ahead to see nature beauty and learn life lesson from it.