

Rocket Mansion _part 1 - origin
Rocket Mansion _part 1 - origin

Hello guys, I know you might be wondering why Im starting by talking, but Im about to tell you the history of the rocket mansions, these are about creatures that living in the eclipse, let's see what the eclipse is made from....

Welcome to the world of the rocket mansions, My name is Max, I always live here, well I will be giving you some tips and names of people living here

Here we go, but wait, for a million dollar question, will you sell your shoe to get shoes? Comment below

Max - gentle, cool

Parker - smart, nerd

Ray Ray - cute, kind

Stella - proud, bossy

Remi - foreign, French luguist

Archer - arrow shooter, talented

Lady Rainbow - brave, bold

And more............

The episodes will start from tomorrow, S1 ep1 - S9 ep26

© On the hunt