

The Weight
The weight of my ancestors pain hangs heavily on my heart. Though I try to hide behind the courage of my convictions, the past haunts me like an old ghost chained to my present. I hold tight in this relic black church, clutching to the only light left in this long darkness. The moans grow closer each day, guided by the whispers of my lost insecurities. I find no solice in memories of past victories over the Ogbin's nightmares, tonight the touch is closer than its ever been. I give myself willingly, guided by a path laced with blood far beyond my comprehension. It ends today. Calibrin looks aimlessly to find me, his power given in a moment of desperation to end a centuries long war. He arrived in a state of pure obedience, not ever questioning the orders given by a master he doesn't understand. I hear his footsteps coming up the cobblestone walkway, knowing he can't enter this sacred space. My fall from capture was intentional, led to waking by jigaboo spirits tap dancing on broken glass, I hear the rhythm. Calibrin seeks to enslave me again, bind me to the never ending wheel of damned mediocrity, for that powers the Obgin. He is a hopeless follower. The light I hold is a key to the end of circular confusion, but my sword is dull. I have decided I will sharpen it with Calibrin's death. He moves towards the steps, gritting at the burn of sacred ground. I can no longer be afraid. I stand on worn wood and walk past the aching pews, hearing chants of sermons gone by... "I hear the lord, my soul and savior, and I will do my masters will" "clap" uhhh, huuuh, uhhhh, huuh. Ehhh, heeeeey, ehhhh heeeeey". I open up the ancient doors, Calibrin looks surprised, he didn't expect me to still be here. He speaks through ancestral tongues, "you must go back, there is no place for you here". I stand firmly in the frame of the door and answer strongly "my time is my own, and neither you or the Obgin will ever bring me back". Calibrin snears and leaps forward thrusting his sword towards my throat. I drop the light at my feet, instantly I'm surrounded by Yoruba, Santeria, and Vondou. Oshun, Samdi, and Legba hold my shoulders, giving me the strength of 400 years of oppression. I swing my sword through millstone air, and it's newly ancestraly sharpened blade cuts through Calibrin's chest. He falls at my feet, eyes holding the terror of uncertainty. Legba and Samdi kneel, take Calibrin's spirit, wrap him in celestial garment, and walk him toward the light. He looks back and says sheepishly, "you know this isn't the end, but I thank you for freeing me". I nod my head in agreement and bid him safe passage. I can't go with him, the Ogbin holds more souls, all of which will come for me. They want to chain me to the past; make me an old Negro spiritual. But I will not stop, the light guides me to a peace I've never known. I hear the cries of my ancestors urging me forward, and I carry their weight with me heavily. My sword now sheathed, the light around my neck, I leave the church and walk into a cold night...painfully awaiting the next day, and the next battle.

In a distant corner of the slave graveyard, a crackling is heard. A flash of lightning ruptures the peaceful grounds. Through the gray mist walks a dark figure, clutching a golden sword, smiling with fangs of ancient terror. Kristopholes, the Ogbin's arch angel eliminator has come. She sees the light I hold in the distance, this battle will not be easy...
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