

The Price We Pay- Part 1
Chapter ONE

If you could only have one of them; love, happiness or freedom, which one would you choose?", she asked. But before I could respond, her phone rang and interrupted.

That was 3 months ago. Her question still lingers in my head, keeping me up at night. Truth be told, there are alot of things that are keeping me up at night.

“Is freedom really free?” Mulenga, my inmate asked. prison floor is so hard and cold to initiate any kind of sleep, and don't ask me about the blankets. These cold Zambian nights have been the worst, I have had a month that I think came straight from hell.

Sent to prison for twenty to life for something I did not do, for something that was not my fault..... at least that's what my mum and my lawyer thinks.

read the next chapter of, THE PRICE WE PAY

© E. Kamwendo