

Body Shaming

We all human beings but we differ in so many different unique ways.People tend to make others feel belittled or hate themselves because of how they are, which is not alright or healthy at all. God created us the way we are out of love and for a reason /purpose,so why should we try to deny or ruin what our Lord Jesus created?Why are we trying so hard to make other people's lives miserable? Why are we doing that? Why!?..

Social media was created for a good reason but we teenagers are misussing it,we busy body shaming others not realizing that we're destroying those people. That's when others start having suicidal thoughts then we blame them while it's our own mistakes.The fact that you're thick doesn't give you the right to talk bad about slender people and the fact that you're a slender doesn't give you the right to badmouth thick people, what I'm trying to say is that we need to love and respect others regardless of their body sizes.

© Tshephiso M