

Story (series): Small Garland of my mistakes (5th episode- Forgetful Thief).
Story (series): Small Garland of my mistakes (5th episode- Forgetful Thief).

In my life, I will talk about every flower of small garland of my mistakes, sometimes one by one, sometimes two or three together. These are just my own but may be true for many. When most of the people say that forgetfulness increases with age, but till now it is the opposite for me i.e. childhood forgetfulness is more.
Today while reminding this , it seems that my head was crazy when I was a child or young , else is it possible to forget or commit such mistake ! However when I have promised.I must have to say these . Today 5th episode : Forgetful Thief :-

Studied in college then. Sometime between 1982-85. I told in the previous episode that I used to study from my Sister's house, I used to go to college by bicycle. I used to take the bag along with the books when needed. After college classes, I used to go to the market in the afternoon and return home. The inside of the market was very congested so I usually did not take the bicycle inside. The GT road passes through the city and bypass of it was used to go to college. The footpath between the GT Road and the market is also full of shops and hawkers, that is, it can also be called a market. However, fruits, hawker toys, clothes etc. were available there. And there were big shops too . However, on the opposite side, the main post office, Railway school, temple were and are still there.
I used to keep bicycle with body lock in this fruit market.
There was a bicycle stand in the direction of the post office, but the market was far away from there. After all money ,tokens and risk to manage. Once I lost such a token and was upset. I will tell the story differently later.
Let's finish today's story now.

One such day, after shopping, I came to the bicycle and saw that there was no key in my pocket. What to do now!
I put my hands in the bags and looked through the vegetables, but I couldn't find them. Again, I looked for the pockets of the pants, no , not found Compulsively, large vegetables such as cabbage and gourd are lifted from the bag and brought down to the sidewalk so that the bag can be checked well.
At that time nearest fruit seller asks - what happened?
I said, I can't find the bicycle key, so I'm looking in the bag.
At that moment, look at the bicycle and say, Hey brother! I looked and saw that
key was hanging with the cycle . Means I forgot to lock the cycle . And this habit is not going away.
In 2024 and in March it seems I left the scooter on the road in front of the market and entered the bike show room. I came to the scooty and put my hand in my pocket, there is no key. Wife said look at your pouch. By that time the token collector of the municipality has come near. I told him- I already gave money. He stood by and watched. I checked all the pockets of the pant and shirt and couldn't find them. Did you not let put it in your bag? Wife says- no. Then the man took the key on hand and showed it. I returned home with 50 Rs Tips (also called mistake fee) to encourage honesty.
Back to the main story,

Anyway, I filled the bag with vegetables and left from the market.
Their house is where that my friend lives on the way to my sister. Since my friend did not go to college today, I went in to get news.
In his relative's house, uncle, aunt, two brothers and two sisters. Everyone is heartbroken as found . The excitement of the other day was not noticed. Aunt sadly said - Come, sit .
I say Sushant (friend) and Manu (Kakima's elder son) do not see!
What can be told boy , our bicycle was stolen yesterday , so both have gone
to inquire, if not found , they will file an FIR as told before going.
On asking where and how it was stolen, the younger daughter Belu said, "Brother , yesterday afternoon, my brother went to the main post office to buy a postal order." The bicycle was locked outside. Didn't look back. Within 20 minutes. By that time uncle had come to the varanda and was listening to everything. I don't know what actually happened, but Manu said this, uncle opined . We also go to the post office, this has never happened. That is, a tone of disbelief towards the son.
I said today mine was going to be theft had the thief not be be a forgetter like me .
Everyone came out of the depression very eagerly and said together what happened, what happened?
I forgot to put the key, I came back after half an hour from the market and found my cycle in its place.
Belu said - says not like that, he got one tomorrow so he is in enjoyment today .
I said look at me but it's different, it seems I forgot to lock the cycle , maybe the thief is a forgetter like me, so he also forgot to steal today.
Everyone laughed.

23.06.2024 .T (Original Bengali)
Writco: 24.06.2024.

© Don't KR