

A Cute Coincidence 😌
Michael Dick lived separate with his wife for 10 year. He always wanted to meet his daughter Lisa. He doesn't had any contact with his daughter and wife so he don't know where they live. After 10 year. Michael maded his mind of seeing his daughter no matter what so he went to Sufflok city where his wife used to live. Don't know what to do and how to find. Michael went to the local newspaper editor and said his said story, then and there editor took picture of him with his other daughters.
Next morning the story with his picture got printed.
It shocked Lisa to see her father in newspaper but more shocking was that when she closely looked at the picture she found herself on backside.

What a freaking coincidence Right!

Actually when Michael was taking photos on street for publishing. At the same moment Lisa was passing by with her mother.

Bad English + Grammar 😅

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