

Angle with fire.
#WritcoStoryChallenge# think dirty 😋😋😉
" 'The setting was perfect. Candlelight, polished cutlery and a single rose set in a delicate vase at each table.The moon was shinning bright helping the sun with it's daily tasks on the eastern side of the world... I hope you can create that fine love atmosphere with a clear weather and the moon for light provision task not that we had no electricity .What romantic place was to compete with that one .It was not perfectly perfect as it was in my mind but I supposed it would finish the job.The valentine party was going to be held up there on the roof top .All the workers ready for a busy bee profitable night.We were set for it and all suprises it would bring along with it .

A few minutes after the place was flocking with people like ants.With their early reservations they got seats to their best like.Romantic music was being played by a band that was commonly known to all due to their carefully selected strong emotional choice of rimming words,I have to be honest I did not know them - fyy music and celleb worship not my thing.As I asked a romantic couple that was standing near the wall enjoing the great view from the top of Junction hotel if the service was to their liking ,I overheard a child asking her sister the difference between e-mail and g-mail .

"Vesh the difference between them , your kidding?"she replied.
"No am not... please tell me , tell me ," she said looking at her raising her hands above her cute brown braided hair.
"Am sorry to jump in but I could not help but overheard your conversation.Well little beautiful angle do you want to know the difference?"I jumped into their conversation politely.She nodded shyly in response.
"Well they have no difference as they do the same thing but between you and me e-mail uses electricity and g-mail uses generators,but not really it's just a joke."I then looked her in the eye so innocent and gave her a chocolate bar an excussed myself leaving them short of breath laughing.

The hotel was in a great atmosphere.people laughing , dancing ,eating , drinking,talking and in great clothes.Now what we were missing was the centre of attraction.If only I knew that this day wishes were horses being ridden I would have wished to be with my wife at the beach enjoing the night breeze kissing and enjoying ourselves, chassing each other shouting we love each other for the world to hear.Why did her parent become sick?

The ussual center attraction was happening .The bold handsome actor Romeo was proposing to Juliet , a beautiful slim las with an angles blessed eight figure and grasefull walking style forcing one to gaze at her bright future behind her .Well what a great story comming to life with both characters to survive death unlike in the story or did I make an early assumption .Juliet and Romeo two point O was still unfinished .

"I wish I could take this case to the judge .The case of a stolen heart that has been locked away by Juliet and enslaved to loving her for it's entire lifetime and all afterlife to come ,so that he can give a judgement of us staying together and giving you a punishment of marring me ,"he then knelt down and removed a golden ring with a blue diamond on top from his hood and held her hand ,"will you be my wife?"
Actors and drama ,their mind set that each place is a stage to act .I wonder who wrote down those romantic words to be used by Romeo out of the show. All that was now left was for Juliet to start crying and looking at the ring for the rest of the night .

But before she could say yes . Trouble knocked down the door.An angle with fire came down to stir the place up alittle .
"Hey their Romeo remember me ?"Couldn't she at least wait for us to hear a yes but that's better than in the middle of a wedding celebration when the priest asks if their is anyone opposing the wedding after spending a lot of money besides being the talk of the week or two .

"Who's this old lady here Romeo?"Juliet asked.
"She's just another crazy fan .Who are you ?"he said looking at her .
"Ooh ! So know am just another crazy bi***chasing after you and your skinny blonde **ore. I hope this can remind you."She then kicked him in the nuts and he feel down.Women really don't know how that hurts .They really shouldn't do that unless ...nop not even that."That rings any bell ass." (This is a really great story if there are no paparazzi here am gonna be one .Ooh how I love this job.)

Security was coming on its way to remove the drama in the house but I knew better than to go near an angry woman during a love problem."Boo are you hurt ?"Juliet asked in a sympathy-loving voice.
"Just alittle but I will be alright in a moment."
The peace makers came and took them outside before anymore scandles could have happened .I mean a cellebrity love fight...in our hotel ! Who knew?It some a real mirracle as it boosted business since any one who gets to come in the hotel must order something in the next five minutes or either have a reservation or just leave and read the history in the daily gossip.

I really did not want to miss that live performance of Shakespeare so I managed to convince the security guards to take them to a room where I will be the mediator .Who knew what would happen e happened outside their in public where drama like this is never stopped and someone goes to gail later. And it would be good for business as more cellebs would prefer this hotel to others .But mostly I would get to finish what I started.

After we had secured a room and the guards were out just in case matters went slightly out of hand.The atmosphere was supper tense ,their blood running hot and fast . Juliet and Romeo sat together on one side of the room on a red leathered seat ,as for the other lady she stood up .She wore a white dress ,blue neckless that mached her eyes and a black low highhill shoes.I think she was prettier than Juliet who wore a crimson red dress .I secured the bed to site on and just waited for what was to come next.

"Hey you asshole mind your own business !"Romeo said.
As I walked out to the backlown I said "A birds cry never kills a snake hunting it.Just food for thought Romeo.And here I thought you were a snake ...yet still they always get killed by eagles ." After getting a safe distance where I could see and here what they were saying -I can't lose my handsome job for this f*cking giantass brat .Infact I was doing a great deal for them .Did you know that nearly several cases of arguments end up with someone getting to see hell early.

I stood there just watching how below ordinary famous people are.But this is what actually amaized me the other lady was actually a pregnant semenya-ooh you know a bysexual ,both female and male sexual organisms were active .Yuck! and it was a beat to get her to bed.Things people can do for mulla. It really sucks.
"So what do you want else?"Romeo said.
"Say that you don't love me an love this whore you proposed too."
"Ok .I don't love you ...I don't love you ... how can someone love a person with both ...you know balls and eggs..."
"Know you say ,"she said this removing her clothes and moving closer and closer to Romeo "remember how you fucked me, sucking my dick and pussy all together kissing me ...."She then kissed him and took his hand to touch the Holly Grail of fertility and the mountains holding a dormant hill .

Juliet did join in the fun later but that was some messed up shit happening .It was like a cock with his wife's hens trying it in a threesome . Ooh what the hell! Just use your train of naughtyness here people , help me too its had explaining what I saw that day. Althouhg I think it was a make up thing .From their things were smooth .No wonder that son of a dog ...He knew this was gonna happen anyways am no pervert .

Now that they were calm they just called me in ..."Sir what happened here ...ooh none of my business ...what do you need me for,"I asked ."Did you see anything?"they ask . Deeply in my heart I wanted to say "dude that was some fucking dope yuck shit you guys did".They then asked me to be quite about what deal they made after and act as if they were still angry .Of course money buys silence in this age ,actually what they just agread was he would not marry Juliet and take care of the child or otherwise the video of them shouting aah-aah and daaaady ride on me faster would like on the internet.Wow how wicked is she and it actually valentine night.Women should actually be classified as a whole new species of animals ..and very wild one

when we got out we were like aliens from mars visiting planet e-arth .All eyes on us , people talking to each other pointing at as .I just took my self out of there sight and went to asked for the time .Only to find out that am late for our anniversary . ' "

"Please ,please. don't be angry little tiger .I really love you."
"How can I be mad to my dear wild cat...come here and let's make babies,"She said and then kissed me as I switched off the lights."I love you to tiger".