

its not you can't do, once say you can & do it "& see the change!

For every person It's easy to do something which is in his comfort zone, but it takes a courage to do something which is out of our comfort zone ,to achieve some type of success there is always a need to work out of our limits when someone do's this the result which he can see is definitely good which he himself can see after some time but like everything it's important to start the thing & give your best. it's obvious at sometimes we always say, that it's too much difficult I cannot do this. but when we change ourselves and do something which is not easy ,and is out of our limits then the change comes that's what the tag line is . at some points many of us think that we can't achieve this it's to hard to go through the journey but we forget too see that the best is not too far away it's just inside you.
the beast who is the best of all kind and ready to do something out of his zone just it's important to put a flashlight on and search for the best in you not in others and have a goal that you want to achieve and to get succeed & the thing which you love which makes you happy lines I would say is
"success comes when you sacrifice"
hardwork & dedication is what it costs price"

it's important to start slowly to do something which is out of your comfort later you'll definitely see that by doing this the change in yourself ,your attitude. just begin the journey with the hands on your confidence & self believe that I can and I can give my 100 percent towards it & hardwork and you would achieve your goals
everytime it's not success or failure but the thing which is important is that what you learn from it and best thing is that you tried do and if failure comes accept it and do another try don't stop it's not the end every try gives you a experience makes a change in you see for it & always try

so for every one who trys to do something out of his comfort zone even if it's making very small or big change in you definitely it would help you and build a good character you are doing a good thing which will make you best of you in all aspects .

Try to do things what you love❤and don't have the fear to work out of your zone just start your journey👍 and achieve the goals that you aim and keep smiling 😊stay safe the best is inside of you keep going 🏃‍♂️do your best .♥️🤗

"Life never stops it's always keep moving
I know your best and you're truly amazing
yes soon this time will be also passing
see your self there where you are willing"

© @_ATUL♥️