

Her presence. (part-2)
Uhhh... "It was just a dream",he told him self. He stood up from the chair and laid on the bed and again fell into sleep.
Next day morning, he dressed up well and walked around the balcony like he was waiting for someone. Suddenly a bell of bicycle rings, he ran towards the table and took his bag and rushed outside of the room.
In the evening, he came into the room with a pleasent smile. He kept his bag on the table, and jumped towards the bed with a great excitement "why did she call me.., why didn't she call anyone else?.."he murmured himself. And he fell into a serious thinking. After a while his eye stucks into the clock hanging there. "Oh! it's 5, I am late, I should go ". He rushed outside.
It was about 9pm, he rushed into the room and shut the door with a sigh. He was sweating like he had chased by a ghost.He relaxed for a while in his chair. He took his dairy from the drawer and started writing.
Today I founded something about her, she was the newly transfered student in my class. Her name was Bethany. She lives with mr and mrs. Bennett, who lives next to my door. But I have never seen her before with them. They are the most grandcouples in our residential area, they are about in their 60s. Yeah!.. now a days I often saw lights from the dark ghost room in mr. Bennett's house, which is nearest to my balcony.
Today was her first day in our class. She choose me as her seatmeat. Her presence.., I felt like I can't breath anymore. "you are.. Benny right?." she asked me. I tried to say "yes" but my throat didn't allow my voice to come out of my mouth. So I shook my head like a nerd. She just smiled and started to talk like a radio presenter, but my ears didn't catch anything, I just felt like a deaf and mute. she also followed me while my returning way to home, she keep speaking. At our detour point she asked me to accompany on the public library. My head shook "yes" without my knowledge. "see you in the library "she said without turning back.
I rushed to the library at exact 5 pm. I waited there for her a long while. I took a nap for a while in the table, sometimes later I felt her presence around me. I tried to open my eye but something stopped me. she came to me and gently shook my head with her hands, suddenly I felt cold... then she bring her face to my face... I felt more cold and I opened my eye quickly!
(to be continued )