

Closely Apart

At the scene Tom discovers his raging love for Dalia hit, I felt his warm breath on my neck and down my shoulder. He was close and I was dangerously aroused. Warm lips slightly brushed against my ear tip, slowly dragging me away from consciousness and a little gasp escaped from my barely open mouth.

"Stop it" I warned. I could feel him smirk. His finger tips began teasing my skin and my heart's rate increased.

Slowly turned away from the movie to look at the tempter behind me. "Stop it", I warned again.

"Or else what?" he dared.

I looked at him with intense hunger in my eyes and his gaze matched mine. We are just two people dangerously attracted to who we couldn't be with. And all we have is this moment.

I got on my knees and pushed the huge man back, his head falling on the pile of pillows behind him. Hastily got over him and slowly inched close to his face. Our features barely apart and our breaths against our faces.

I felt powerful because he felt how he felt and because I could feel the extreme heat between us. Dangerously warm, demanding skin contact.

My nose tip teasingly touches his cheek, nose, cheek, eye, forehead and back down till out lips almost touched. His hands now on my waist, rubbing to my side butt and thighs.

This scene right here was what I was avoiding. The sexual tension in the air strong enough to break through us.
I want him. He wants me.

At that moment, all we wanted was to be each other. One. But that was against the rules.

With a sad realization smile, I retreated, sitting back up.

His brow went up in protest but understanding. He rose, behind me again.

I faced the laptop, with the movie we planned to watch still playing.

Then I broke the silence. "Let's watch".
© skinnyCee